Kys isnt a death threat.


01.11.2022 03:04
Linkits sort of a badly worded suggestion

01.11.2022 03:07
LinkSomeone gets it.

What do you mean prove it that's just basic English? But if I must.
A Threat is a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done. To be more specific a death threat is a threat made often anonymously, by one person or a group of people to kill another person or group of people. Kill yourself isn't a death threat as it isn't threatening to actually go out and kill someone yourself. You arent threatening to kill someone when you say "kys" so it literally can't be considered a death threat

@Chamomilepiss I would just reply to your chain but that would just get messy. You're wrong. Yes someone being told "kys" can make them feel upset and might make them actually carry out with killing them self but it still isn't a death threat because you still arent threatening to do the killing yourself.