- create flipbook animations online!
almost 4am lol
06.04.2021 08:54
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Its a school night help uhm time to have even worse grades and tired during class i am so tired and feeling like wow why tf did i do this and how did this happen ok i am very very tired not really but i should be and i should be in bed because theres school hope not a test or anything or else i will cry also theres this research project i really hate yes this is meant to be a long jumbly paragraph thing guess im making it longer also they teach you not to have run on sentences at school which i will go to tomorrow wonder if this is a run on sentence record i hope so it would be fun i really like fun things except when they involve me being up at 4 in the morning and having to get up in 4 and a half hours for classes which include Biology, SLS, Honors Spnaish II and English I wow these are some nice classes cant wait to meet them in 4 and a half hours good night
06.04.2021 08:56
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Okay but honestly... try me. I challenge you to write a sentence like this one. And I didn't even put any punctuation at the end cuz thats how cool I am. (Gosh wtf has staying up late done to me I am usually not this salty or whatever) BYE I NEED SLEEP-
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