- create flipbook animations online!
Got script ready fo the scene
19.12.2020 21:13
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Clay stood across the street from the diner. His hands in tight fists as he thought angrily about how to get back at Andre. Looking in the window Clay saw him and his lackeys sitting at the counter. They had one drink each and a large plate of something they were sharing. It didn’t look like they’d be out any time soon so he knew he had a while. The most obvious target was Andre’s bike. Parked on the street in front of the building. He had a gun, maybe he could shoot it? Nah, They’d hear that too quick. Clay would be in a fire fight with three grown ass men before he could do jack shit. He looked back at the window, still eating and talking. Un aware of Clays presence. Still determined to exact his revenge he inspected the bike. People had been saying it was Andres pride and joy. It’s sleek jet black paint job with the red stripe across the top right hand side of it. Neon red lights around the rim covers and dash. No doubt it was a fine ride. A fine ride. Clay squinted and looked close at the dash.
19.12.2020 21:14
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He searched for the key slot. There, and the key was still inside! His head shot up and he looked frantically up and down the street. Nobody in sight. No witnesses. Then back to the window. Still eating. Talking. He could steal it. Clay got down into a low crouching position, took a deep breath and started slowly creeping across the street. He would hop up and mount the bike and get outta there. What if it wouldn’t start? He took notice of how cold the air was. It was a risk he was willing to take. Now Clay sat crouched beside the bike. It looked so much cooler up close. His stomach tightened as he grew more and more nervous with every passing moment. Alright, he would mount the bike in three. Two. One-”Hey!” His heart dropped. Footsteps came from his right. Clay turned slowly to see a boy around 17, 18. Standing there in a black hoodie and grey pants. The boy-”You thought you were bein’ slick huh?" He sure did.
19.12.2020 21:15
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The boy-”What, you thought he was gunna leave his bike out here, un protected, with the key in the ignition?” This was bad, this guy probably had a gun. Plus he could alert Andre at any time. Clay was not keen on having his nose broken again. His mind bagan racing as he looked for a way out. The boy-”You got anything ta say?” His gun sat heavy in his pocket. That was the only way out of this. The boy came forward, but before he could take another step Clay had whipped out his gun and fired off three rounds. The shots were loud and they echoed off the walls of the buildings that lined the street. Now he was panicking, voices got loud inside the diner. The boy was gripping his leg firmly as he writhed around on the ground in agony. The bike. He’d be killed if he stayed. Clay jumped up onto the seat of the bike and turned the key. The bike squealed for a moment before it growled. Yes it started. He shifted to first gear and sent the bike forward full throttle, lifting the front wheel up.
19.12.2020 21:16
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The tire screeched as it hit the road and he sped forward. Andre burst through the door his two lackeys not far behind. At first he was caught off guard by the boy on the ground, but he quickly looked back up. His prized bike speeding off up the street. Andre-”Oh, my.” “You little prick!” “You’re dead!” One of his lackeys knelt down beside the boy-”Are you good man?” Andre put his hands to his head.
19.12.2020 21:22
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19.12.2020 21:25
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Yo this is kinda fire. I remember onetime this kid tried to steal my brothers bike and I let my dog out on him lmao
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