upset bunni boi noises
14.04.2021 07:01
Link**** my body for making me fall asleep and then wake up 15 minutes, only to force me back to sleep but i wake up at 1 am
i've been up for an hour, its 2:01 at the time i wrote this
screw my body
i wanted to rp more,, :(
also can i do a little rant, ghost of the 2 am FA?
14.04.2021 07:04
Linkthank you
so my school
if some people don't know
is a private christian school
and sure, in a christian school, religion goes against your GPA
and it follows you for your life??
I'm sorry?
I didn't ask to be thrown in water when i was a child
I didn't ask for my judgment to be clouded :-;
People when I say that I don't believe in that fake shit are like: "then why did you go to this school"
first of all, mind your ****ing business
second of all, I didn't want to go there anyways?
now about the people in the godforsaken school
14.04.2021 07:09
Linkhomophobic even though they say that 'gOd LoVeS eVeRyOnE!'
but then they turn around and say that 'you're going to hell if you're a homosexual'
***** stfu and go to mass
This school targets me for everything and have made it sound like I'm trans for a joke
My parents don't ****ing support me
My siblings are allies and they do try to use my correct name and pronouns
lemme rephrase that: my little sister tries her best to use my correct name and pronouns
One time I got pulled out of class by a nun and the rest of the middle school teachers
talking about how 'i just need to pray' and that 'i just need to ask jesus to be forgiven'
a red ****ing candle doesn't do shit
I've tried and prayed for YEARS. Ever since things happened in my family
And they've only gotten ****ing worse!!
Why can't my stupid school see that I don't like them??!
14.04.2021 07:13
LinkAnd the teachers
holy shit the teachers
Pushing aside the fact that my teacher is racist and extremely homophobic, I'm on a mutual relationship with all of them
Aside from my little sister's teacher
he's bomb asf and lets us watch vines in class
so he good
but apart from him, thats about it
my school is like: "aawH you're LEAVING?? Here, take a rosary with you and we'll pray for you"
***** no
you're the reason im leaving
you judgy looking *****es
ALSO: This isn't to rant about Christians. Believe want you want. I'm just ranting about the Christian school I'm at. If someone believes in God and all of that, I'm glad you're happy with your religion. But it's not for me. Please don't take offense.
14.04.2021 07:14
Linkugh anyway im done for the night
i dont ****ing know but i don't think i can fall back asleep
last thing
in like his original state before like all the horns and black wings and stuff
he's kinda spicy if you know what im sayin,,