I give up......
23.07.2019 23:54
Linkik this seems bad to give up but I have spent almost a year on this now and im tired of trying. I can't draw realistic crap and this was too much for me. I guess I just need a little more practice before I start stuff like this. I was gonna put this is a contest when I was done but ofc I missed it ;w;. welp maybe next time :/
23.07.2019 23:59
Linkit also was using up all the drawing things and I wanna post more. One im using for a present (drawing) for someones b-day. this was taking up the next. and the other one was used for updates on why im not posting stuff, contest reminders, and memes to keep the content going ōwō hue hue hue xD
04.08.2019 14:39
Linkbtw that's tsunami from the cover of "Wings of fire book2 the lost heir
10.12.2019 04:52