Chapter 9 - Warrior's Thunder


27.01.2021 01:19
LinkChapter 9
As Brisknose slipped into dreamland, it was at first nice. There was the usual dream of becoming leader, Jasperwhisker being nice for once, and hunting. In one specific dream, Brisknose was tracking down a mouse. A yowl made him lose track of his senses.
The mouse ran away as he looked up, angrily. The scene he saw struck him with awe. It was a battlezone. Cats from every clan were fighting each other tooth and nail. It was horrifying. In the heart of the battle a rock stood sturdy and flat. On it, a large tom held down a dead Rubystar and Hivestar, killing Stingfoot next. The tom opened his mouth.
Brisknose ran over, jumping on top of cats and scrambling his way towards them. Suddenly, a cat knocked him down. It was Shadowleg. He slowly forced his claws into his throat.
He screeched in pain. He used his long legs to pummel Shadowleg’s stomach.

27.01.2021 01:19
LinkShadowleg bit into him, and then another cat joined. It was a kitten with pink and black patterns. It bit and clawed him. The cat on the rock laughed maciously watching the evilness that surrounded the whole forest.
Brisknose kicked them off of him and ran to Hivestar. She laid in a puddle of blood. Her eyes glazed over with death. He looked up at the tom on the rock. He felt anger and distress.
The tom suddenly and swiftly jumped off of the rock, making Rubystar slide down to the ground. The gray tom folded his ears back and hisses threateningly. The tom smirked, and jumped on top of Brisknose. Suddenly, the trees shot up, the forest floor turned dark. Brisknose's nose was filled up with the sense of death, and his eyes filled with darkness: the sky that had the suns was plagued with a dark night, it held no stars, moons. It was a pit for the sky.
Brisknose woke and sat up with a gasp. He looked around with his eyes wide and he was gasping heavily.

27.01.2021 01:19
LinkThe Clan was only alive with the waking mummers. The only cats who were Fadedclan members, Mosspaw, Jasperwhisker and Shadowleg. All of them were oblivious to the terror that Brisknose just recently faced. However, Mosspaw was skittishly walking around. Brisknose shook himself. When he looked at Shadowleg, the breath was taken out of him. The fear returned to his face.
“What?” Shadowleg hissed lightly.
Brisknose padded swiftly over to Jasperwhisker. “I need to talk to you. Right now.”
Jasperwhisker stood up, “What is it, mousebrain?”
He started to tell the she-cat about his dream.
“Why are you telling me about this? It’s just a nightmare. You’re acting like a kit.” She dismissed him.
“Because I… I don’t think you should be with Shadowleg.”
Jasperwhisker hissed, “He’s already my mate. We just sealed the deal last night, actually.”

27.01.2021 01:20
“NOW. If you need me. I’m going to stay with Shadowleg. Go bother the Medicine Cat or Queens or SOMEONE else.” She lashed her tail and ran off.
Brisknose folded his ears back. Why wouldn’t she listen to him? He trotted off to tell Quartzfur.
Quartzfur was still asleep. Curled up in a small ball, she was oblivious of Brisknose’s terror.
He walked over to her and prodded her in the side. “Quartzfur, wake up.”
“Hm…?” She woke up, and rolled over to her back.
“I need to tell you something really important.”
“Oh no.” Quartzfur jumped up to her paws, “Did leafclan attack us?” Her whiskered quivered.
“No, no, it wasn’t.” Brisknose started to tell Quartzfur about his dreadful dream. “Do you think that we should visit the Starclan Crystal?”
“Absolutely.” She nodded, affirming the suggestion, “I’ll tell Emeraldspeck and a warrior to start the daily chores.” She swiftly trotted out to the heart of the clan, and jumped on the high cliff, “Everyone! Come to the heart of starclan, and gather around me!”

27.01.2021 01:20
LinkAll of the Warriors and Elders and even Webtail came to the cliff. Fadedclan cats even came, too.
“Me and Brisknose are heading deep into the caves for the starclan crystal: We expect you to keep peace among each other. If there really is truly is any issues,” She chose a random, trustful cat in the clan, “I expect Whipwhisker to take care of it.”
The white and light gray tom nodded. “I will, Quartzfur.”
“Thank you. Is Emeraldspeck awake yet?” She questioned, authoritatively.
“Er- well- I could go look”
“Please do. We need some herbs and any advice we may need to travel back down.”
Whipwhisker nodded. He swiftly walked over to Crystalclan’s Medicine Cat den. “Emeraldspeck? Are you in there?” He said to the darkness.
Emeraldspeck nodded, “Yup.” She walked out, with small baggage of herbs for the deputy and the young leader, “Here. Also… Watch out for any cracks and falls.”
Quartzfur nodded and ate the herbs, then stepped back for Brisknose to take the chance to eat.

27.01.2021 01:20
LinkHe dipped his head down and reluctantly ate the bitter herbs. He licked his jaws to get the taste out of his mouth.
“Ugh.” Quartzfur shuddered with disgust and began to make the way to the deepest depths of the clan- to the Starclan crystal.
Brisknose looked around the cave. He hadn’t been there since he was Briskpaw.
“I know… This place is… Odd…” She began to walk deep into the cave for the crystal.
He became intimidated by the Crystal. He flicked his ear.
Quartzfur swiftly laid in the water where the oddly large, glowing crystal drowned in. She grumbled in annoyance as her pelt was made damp. The water chilled around her as she tipped the nose on the edge of the crystal, which blinded her temporarily, forcing her eyes to squeeze.
Brisknose, too, wadded into the water and touched his nose to the crystal. When he opened his eyes, he looked around.

27.01.2021 01:20
LinkIt was a dark forest, the air was murky and fog filled their throats and vision swiftly: the smell of death plunged their nose, too. Quartzfur protively and instinctively wrapped her tail around Brisknose and extended her claws. A gasp escaped her mouth when she saw Shadowleg. The unusually strong tom fought a lean, large she-cat who fought with blood on her pelt and claws lethally reaching for his throat. A slash struck Shadowleg tarso, which was originally aimed for his throat, but the tom pulled away in time, which also gave him the free time to slam into the she-cat, who expertly used to make Shadowleg to crash down with her.
“What is this?” Cried Quartzfur in a whisper. Suddenly, an odd sensation of warmth appeared behind Brisknose.
He folded his ears back. “It’s Shadowleg and… I don’t know the she-cat.” He turned his head and looked behind him.

27.01.2021 01:21
LinkShadowleg was under the she cat, but kicked her off into a bush of thorns and thistles. It looked painful but the cat jumped up into the leafless tree above. The only expression she had was snob-like-pride, and anger. She hissed as she jumped onto Shadowleg, who was finally trapped.
“She’s plump… She has flowers around her scars… S-she must be a meadowclan cat but…” She stood close to Brisknose, inspecting the she-cat, pelts brushing against each other. Her heartbeat was racing swiftly, “That isn’t the real question…” Her voice was only a whisper.
“I’ve never seen her before… even if she is from Meadowclan, I would recognize her.”
“Yes, but… What is this place?” Quartzfur asked.
He looked around. “Smells horrid.”
“I want to leave.” She confessed.
“But how do we get back?”

27.01.2021 01:22
Link“We need to wake up.” She began to shake herself all over, then she threw herself onto the ground, rubbing her pelt into the leaf litter. The ground below dirtied her pelt swiftly. She wasn’t awake though.
Brisknose looked around. When he saw water, he was going to dunk his head in it, but it was dirty, stinky, and slimy looking.
“I see a light!” Quartzfur cried, then she began glowing.
He looked up at her. “What’s going on.”
Suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of them. It was a Starclan cat.
Brisknose folded his ears back. He had to shield his eyes from the light with his paw.
The starclan cat began to speak in a crystal clear voice: “Four must become one.”
Another starclan cat swiftly appeared, and opened its mouth.
It’s eyes were all white. It was outlined in white.
Quartzfur stiffened, and stepped back.

27.01.2021 01:22
Link“W-what is this! I haven’t seen you guys before!!”
“4 must become 1 to face the cold, hard claw ahead, or all will fall.” Was all that the Starclan cat said.
Quartzfur tried to reason, “W-what?” Then suddenly, she woke up. She was back in reality in the pool.
Brisknose was still sleeping but yelping.
Quartzfur swiftly stood up and nudged Brisknose’s side.
He jolted awake.
“I have a confession. I think I’m afraid of Starclan.” Quartzfur admitted.
He cocked his head. “Why?”
“They just are.” Her voice said hoarsely, as she shook her pelt.
“They are what?”
Brisknose rolled his eyes.