Toy Sky Ace
Dog walk
i ate your trees finale
Exploding Rose
It's Quiet Uptown Speedpaint
Chapter 10 - Warrior's Thunder
27.01.2021 02:10
LinkChapter 10
Bearflinch shot a smirk to Sleekshine. “C’mon… Don’t struggle,” She pushed a half eaten small mouse to her.
The tabby she-cat batted it away. Bearflinch pinned Sleekshine down and forced the food in her mouth, “We’re being nice!”
She reluctantly swallowed. “It tastes like bile” she spat at the brown she-cat.
“If you want to be alive, deal with it.” She snorted as she walked away.
Bumblefern flickered his tail, “She’s cute but annoying…” He weakly laid down, he was still injured. He coughed.
Sleekshine rolled her eyes. “They keep us here, don’t let us clean ourselves, feed us bile, and inger us, and you think she’s cute?”
He thought for a moment, “You’re right. Goldenbreeze is better.”
She rolled her eyes again and rested her head on the ground.
“Also.. Something smells rotted… Do you want to check it out?” He asked, leaning in.
27.01.2021 02:10
Link“I guess”
Bumbefern got up, and walked towards a small pit, he looked down and gasped, his mouth at awe.
“Come here. NOW.”
She trotted over. “What is it? Don’t tell me it’s a Dirt hole.”
“There's a cat here.” He said softly.
In the pit, a white she-cat was coughing.
She peered down into the pit. “Hello? Are you alright?”
She coughed even more, “NO!” She looked up, her amber eyes gleaming, it was Rubystar.
“... Rubystar? What in the whole Twoleg house reason are you down there”
“What does it look like?” She sneezed, “I’m just like you but sick.”
“How long have you been here?”
“ A few moons.”
“Is this where you’ve been this whole time?”
“Yeah…” She sniffled.
“But why are you here?”
27.01.2021 02:11
Link“They forced me.” She said bluntly, “After the storm, I got lost and they found me… They stripped me of all my crystals and pride.”
Sleekshine leaned in and grabbed Rubystar’s scruff. She began to drag her out of the hole.
“You’re going to get sick and in trouble.” She wheezed lightly.
“I can deal with it.”
“They’ll throw you in a pit too.”
“I don’t understand why you didn’t just climb out. It’s easy enough, isn’t it?”
“They feed me awful, horrid things. I am weak.”
“... I’m still getting you out of here”
“How?” She asked, almost sternly, “We can’t risk you being killed.”
She rolled her eyes. “I ment I’m getting you out of this hole.”
“I still mean it! Rougeclan is cruel.” She shivered.
27.01.2021 02:11
Link“Rogueclan?” Sleekshine began to laugh. “Whoever heard of a Clan name like that!”
“Sh… They think it’s cool but it’s stupid, like a kits dream…” Rubystar said in a hushed, cool tone.
They were interrupted by a yowl. Sunset had tried to escape the camp but was caught. Bearflinch grabbed him by the scruff, and bit him down hard, making him bleed.
The orange tabby tom raked his claws across her face She hissed and recoiled back, her face bleeding from the claw marks. The scar imprinted on her face.
“AHH!” She screamed.
He scrambled to his paws and started to rush towards the exit. Bearflinch attempted to catch him but failed: she tripped and flopped on her the ground with a loud thud, blocking other Rougeclan cats from pursuing him.
The orange tabby didn’t look back as he ran to Leafclan territory.
The fall leaves fell onto him, there were no cats patrolling the territory. He bursted into the camp, panting and looking around for Stingfoot.
Stingfoot was inspecting the freshkill pile.
27.01.2021 02:11
Link“WHY IS THERE NO-” He violently cocked his head to Sunset, “WHO ARE YOU???”
“Sunset - from earlier today? The patrol that was taking me to where I needed to go was taken by a group of cats called Rogueclan. I managed to escape not too long ago.” He panted.
“Rougeclan?!” By now, the whole clan was watching Sunset and the deputy, including Hivestar, “There are only 4 Clans!”
“Well - Er - I’m new to the Clans but that’s what they called themselves.”
“How don’t we know you’re lying, kittypet?” He circled himself around him, “WHERE ARE THEY!?”
Sunset folded his ears back. “I am not a kittypet and I just told you where they are!”
“So, where have you lived before?!” He hissed.
“I -” he hung his head. “I can’t tell you.”
“And why not, Rouge?” His pelt prickled.
27.01.2021 02:12
LinkHe growled. “I am not a rogue.”
“SILENCE!” Hivestar roared on her highrock.
Sunset looked up at the old she-cat on the rock.
“Sunset.” She began firmly, “Explain.”
He started to talk about how he went there and what happened when he escaped.
“That’s a good lie.” An orange Queen named Orangedust said, stepping out of the Nursery, and gave him a skeptical look.
“Orangedust. Can you hold him down?” Her claws flashed
The Queen nodded and jumped on top of Sunset, piercing her claws into his shoulders.
Hivestar joined, and rang out a yowl, “CAT’S OF LEAFCLAN! CHILDREN OF THE BEES! WE HAVE A NEW PRINSOOR.” She began to drag Sunset.
Sunset let out a yowl of protest as he was dragged on the dirt.
Hivestar shoved him into a den.
27.01.2021 02:12
Beedew whispered to a sleeping Sunset, “Hello.”
He tiredly opened an eye. Beedew laid next to him, smiling softly.
Sunset turned onto his other side, facing his back to the Medicine Cat.
“I know you’re not a rouge.” She said a bit bluntly.
¨And how are you supposed to know that?”
“I feel your energy from starclan.” Her tail twitched as she smiled sheepishly.
He turned to look at her. “... That’s ridiculous. I thought there were only four Clans.”
“Starclan is where we go when we die.” She chuckled softly, her voice smooth and soft like a controlled starting fire.
He turned back and rested his head on his paws. She began to groom him smoothly, “What the clans did to you are awful…” She frowned and kept grooming.
“I don’t mind too much. I’ve had this much scratches before.”
“How?” She asked, “As the medicine cat, I must know!”
“So you have herbs to heal?”
27.01.2021 02:12
Link“You guessed correct,” She stood up, “Follow me, fleabag.”
He winced as he got up.
Beedew led him to the medicine cat den, which had a small beehive in it. Buzzing echoed in the den. She got herbs.
He folded his ears back as he watched the bees fly around. She padded back to him and cleaned his wounds, “Better?”
“Yes… much better.”
“Good.” She gave him a honey comb as a snack with a mouse, “Eat up before Stingfoot wakes up.”
He ate them, hearing shuffling outside of the den. Beedew heard them too. She flicked her ear and glanced outside. Sunset crouched down low, seeing a black and yellow back raise.
27.01.2021 02:13
LinkBeedew walked out, “Hello? Can’t you see I have someone with me!”
Sunset folded his ears back and shuffled to the back of the den.
“Unless there's something wrong, you should leave.”
“Who’s in there?” He forced his head into the den, but Beedew battered him away, “Sunset. Now go away, you stink.”
Sunset let out a sigh of relief.
Orangedust padded over. “Why are you letting a prisoner inside of your den?”
“I trust him.” Beedew explained calmly.
Orangedust flicked her ear. “Fine. But don’t come crying to me if you’re injured and your herbs are missing.”
“I wouldn’t. I trust starclan with this decision.” She nodded.
The Queen growled as she walked off towards the Nursery.
“Also!” Beedew followed, “How are the kits?”
She looked over her shoulder. “Dustkit and Mintkit? They’re doing just fine.”
“I’ll check on them this sunrise.”
27.01.2021 02:13
LinkShe flicked her tail as she left. Beedew sighed and walked back to Sunset.
The tom had fallen asleep while they were bickering. She sighed, and laid next to him.