- create flipbook animations online!
-WHY ME?...- [VENT]
08.10.2023 14:04
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08.10.2023 14:13
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My brothers is manipulating me and Blaming me I hate them I try to ignore but they still bulling me embarrassing me in front of my friends teasing me too far I hated them since 2022 and I got anger issues because of them And I tried telling my parents but they did Nothing but just kindly Saying stop to my brothers without any effort and carelessly so I just sit around in my room But my friends aren't helping my trauma is getting worse and I am now thinking if I am just being dramatic or having depression I don't know My best friend Or Seatmate Isn't helping they're making it worse they lie to me for 1 month I can't trust them anymore and he draws Offensive things to me and my online friends I felt they're just using me like my brothers none feels my pain My friends and brothers are making my trauma worse I tried stop talking to them but I kept talking I don't wanna Hurt them thinking that they're bad I Love being kind but When I knew they're manipulative I just do nothing but ignore them...-
08.10.2023 14:23
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I just say yes to everything they say I tried saying No in Kindergarten but I hurt someones feelings so I have to say yes I hated being so kind to everybody but I just play fake With being Dumb or even Being they're friend I just Give them a fake smile but in the inside's my heart is starting to break to pieces none's helping to heal me I just feel I am falling an endless void Pitch black and Even none in this site was helping even my friends IRL they just Say alot of things about them selves thinking that They Experienced more pain than me Saying " I HATE YOU" or " I WISH YOU DIED" that broke my heart so hard and I still talk to them While I feel so dead inside why does none want me to be myself? I am just made fun of because of my drawings or even Me being kind They think I am insane like a beast I was offended But didn't tell them I was tired of it so tomorrow I will ignore my friends even my seat mate I wasn't happy with them they REALLY think I didn't notice that they are controlling me as a puppet I -
08.10.2023 14:30
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JUST WANNA BE A KID AGAIN BEING HAPPY NO BULLIED BUT EVEN WHEN WAS A KID I WAS BULLIED SO HARD I DIDNT EVEN NOTICE I FEEL DUMB NOW why do I have manipulative Friends I just want to have a peaceful day But Tomorrow I will change Being this I won't talk I won't even bother being a dumbass Having them as a Dumbass friend's so yeah I still got hurt a couple of time's but I won't be so kind anymore I've been nice for too long So yeah I gotta draw now
22.11.2023 15:13
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I still cared about people even my brothers I don't know why am I that kind Its my personality but I wish that I wasn't I have social Anxiety now... I hate it I ****ing hate it
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