Who do u ship heather with


19.12.2017 23:39
LinkYes i remade her

quill: *flies and sees lilacluna* lilac! up here!
lilacluna: *looks up and sees quill flying* *waves hello to quill* hi quill! *cough* *cough* i-im okay!
quill: *lands on the ground smoothly*
aliey: whoa! *falls over* where?! how?! did you get here?!
quill: i flew.
aliey: *gets up* im okay.
lilacluna: i don't feel so good.. *passes out* -_-
quill: *catches lilacluna* let's take lilac to her tree house.

*at lilacluna's tree house*
quill: *puts lilacluna on her bed*
lilacluna: *wakes up* uugh. my head. *lies down but is still awake*
quill: *puts an ice pack on lilacluna's head*
lilacluna: *in a fainted, half-awake voice* th-thanks quill.
quill: no problem lilac.
cuphead: is she gonna be okay?
quill: she'll be okay, she just needs some rest.
cuphead: okay. im just worried about her.
quill: me too.

quill: i'll get the door. *opens the door* hey arryl! ^-^
arryl: hi quill! have you seen big brother anywhere?
toon link: *waves hi to arryl*
arryl: big brother! *hugs toon link* i've been looking for you! ^-^
toon link: ^-^ (nice to see you too arryl)
quill: *closes the door*
lilacluna: *yawns* *falls asleep*
quill: *puts a blanket on lilacluna* /• - •\