Dragon in the rain

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Citrus || Chp. 13 (Alt. End)


Dream Glasses

Jelly Sea
i just need to spew some stuff


27.02.2020 01:29
Linkso two cops showed up at my door today asking for my mom
when she got home she called them to see what was going on it turns out that they found my dad dead in his house today. They dont know why he died.
i havent lived with my dad in 2 years
he was a diagnosed schizophrenic psychopath who did some sick shit
i have hated vehemently for 11+ years
if that is true, then why am i crying
i dont know what to do, i was fine 5 minutes ago but now that im alone in my room my mascara is all over my face and pants and i cant catch my breath
whats wrong with me bruh

27.02.2020 01:37
Linkok just as a side note, before my mom called the cops to ask what was going on, she immediately assumed that it was my fault and that i had said some shit about her at school and that somebody snitched
haha i love my family

27.02.2020 01:41
Linkuh im sad now :,(

27.02.2020 01:51
Linkoh no im sorry *sad uwu*