

30.10.2017 11:22
Linkhow do you get a good halloween party?
you plan it

30.10.2017 15:27
Linkwow. YOUR RIGHT!

03.01.2018 21:44
LinkDid you get the joke as in
“Planet”? Eh? eh..

this is absolutely stunning the lineart and lighting and shading and everything is just mmMMMMMMMmMm 11/10

Ah this is so pretty! I love the colors you used and the background. The thing I have to say is that the composition doesn't make that much sense, it seems like oyu drew it a bit too small for the canvas. If you just made it a bit biggefr, that would be amazing. I also love the lighting you used , you seem to really understand how light falls on 3D objects! You're definitely a very skilled artist, and anything else negative I had to say is just a matter of personal preference, not anything objectively wrong.