meow wave
toddler me does an offie
Frans ||Omh the Update tho||
Gravity Falls Scene
Pac Man Loading
09.06.2022 19:52
09.06.2022 19:53
LinkSo I've been gone for a while, obviously, and that's not on accident. I've tried to stray away from this site as much as possible, but the way I say that, I make it sound like I'm passive aggressive towards this site, and I am not. So, I should probably explain why I've been gone to begin with.
09.06.2022 19:54
LinkThe first reason I've been gone is my tablet broke, leaving me unable to draw on here to begin with. This was purely by accident, and sadly I have been unable to purchase a tablet to begin with. I would love to draw back, but this break from digital art made me realize that this site is no longer for me. Which leads to my next reason;
09.06.2022 19:56
LinkI'm... growing up. I am a sophomore in highschool now. I'm doing my own thing, apart from this site. I'm forever thankful for the friends I gathered on this site, both ones who left and ones who I still talk to. I've never been more thankful for a website in my life, and not only friends but the site gave me a taste of what it's like to have a following. And that's something I couldn't be more thankful for.
09.06.2022 19:58
LinkThe third reason is that this site is dying. And very hard. It's got a lot of active users, and thats great, but it surly isn't what it used to be. Users I look u pto, people I can connect with on here, are no longer popular. My style of art and animation does not combine with the type of art people put out nowadays on here. It's sad, but, unfortunally, it's true. And, this also leads into another point which is, the features and likes get to your head. If anyone is reading this, and they're desperate for features, don't be. It's cool, but, the novelty wears off. Don't think that you need a picture icon to prove yourself as an artist; you're amazing as you are. Art, is subjective.
09.06.2022 20:01
LinkFourth reason is that, this site isn't me anymore. I don't see myself fit. When I joined I knew that I wanted to go down as a legend, and while I think I successfully failed this task, I hope that I made inspiration or impact on someone. All I truly want is people to keep on drawing; keep animating, overpass that obsitcle you have trouble with. To any new users, who are reading this post, please; go out there, interact with users. Comment on their posts, meet people. Keep drama to low, do not purposely get involved. Because that gets you no where, I promise. People are going to be mean, but at the end of the day, that is life. And that is the beauty of it.
09.06.2022 20:04
LinkAnd that's basically it, or what I can think of. As to if this is goodbye, I think it is. I may still come on occasionally but don't expect new art anymore. So, I guess technically this is goodbye. Thank you to everybody, every follower of mine, young or old who gave me the oppertunity to express my art. Thank you to FA himself for creating a site where kids can be themselves. Thank you to the people who don't like my stuff, for making me sit back and realize my weaknesses. And most importantly, thank you to my friend Wafels for being my first friend on here (ironically). I know this all sounds cheesy, but, from the bottom of my maple syrup heart, thank you. All of you.
09.06.2022 20:06
LinkSo, with that being said, goodbye my Eggos <3
09.06.2022 20:06
LinkDiscord: Thatwaffle99#9279
<:) awh
thank you for being a coolass friend, my dude
thank you for all the good times i had, especially around the time i had my finals, when i was stressed out and shit
your pep talks on discord and your jokes (although thry may not be the best) meant alot to me
you're talented, kind and amazing, waffl, you are the 'awesome' and don't let anyone stop you from what you want to do in life