look, they dont knoe about u


25.02.2021 15:15

25.02.2021 15:16
Linklook they dont know u
have u ever had someone u dont know judge u in an anim, and that person havent interected u in anyway, they just came in that 1 anim and judge u

25.02.2021 15:18
Linkand u feel bad?
dont be, cuz they dont know u, they just came in that 1 anim, and tell that u suck, i mean, they dont know about ur personalities, they dont know ur behaveior

25.02.2021 15:20
Linkthey dont know how u act, they dont know ur humor, they dont know anything, so dont be sad when they came crash u, just reply with "ok" it will make things easier

25.02.2021 15:22
Linkand i dont want this to mislead, they can say their opinions, u dont need to get mad at them, and if someone just came to u and say u suck, just chill, just say ok

25.02.2021 15:25
Linkmaybe they will have tons of followers, tons of likes, tons of uh-power? u dont need to care about them, they r humans too, they are not gods, they r not superior , they r just normal humans
so no matter hoe much power they have, if they dont know u, dont let them take u down

25.02.2021 15:27
Linkalso, if ur one of those ppl who would say down to someone
u son of a *****