WWYD (with a siren girl)
20.05.2024 17:12
LinkWWYD if you were hanging out with your best friend at a party, you accidently knock her into the pool and she becomes a siren. Everyone screams and yells at her and she gets out quickly, drying off with a towel she found on the ground before running off to the beach.
i would run after her and tell her its fine if shes a siren and that i dont mind and say i think its cool having a siren friend
after finding her, Serie chuckled a bit "everyone would say that to me too" she dipped her hand in the water and it turned her dark skin a very oceanic shade of green
"not really, but yes!" her eyes are an obvious peachy-pink, and her hair is a watery blue "lemme show you" she walks into and dives fully into the water on the beach. when she comes up, her hair looks just like water, she has green, scaly flesh, fin ears, a large tail, webbed fingers and toes, and gills