Title Down Below
02.01.2018 06:10
LinkI have hidden my account for personal reasons. I will give you a hint to who I am. If any of you have hangouts, I recently, today, have said i've reached 100 followers. If you know me please do not proceed to comment my user down below.
I've had depression since my parents have been divorced. They were constantly seperating and going back together I have PTSD because of my parents constantly being physical towards each other. I feel guilt everyday for letting my 3 other sibilings see all of this. Finally, one day, my parents are divorced. They haven't seen each other for about 3 years. Technically, it's been about a month but that was only because my brother had a preformance at his school. So, I have 3 houses, 1 is my moms. 1 is (not my dads but my grandmas but he lives there, even though at age 30!), we constantly have to be moving house to house. But the thing that impacts me most to this day is because my dad is constantly trying to find a girlfriend and he's always leaving home to God knows whe-
02.01.2018 06:15
LinkYou don't have to reveal anything
02.01.2018 06:15
LinkI hope you feel better... I know how you feel about the divorce thing...
02.01.2018 06:20
LinkRe. My mom has a disgusting boyfriend and they are constanly drinking alcohol and other inappropriate things. And also, my mom got a boyfriend the 2 week she was divorced (my dad has been waiting 2 years now). I wish this was all a dream and my dad wouldnt fight with my grandma and all of this would go awake and my favorite dog would come back and everything would go back to normal. I would do self harm to calm myself (PLEASE DONT RANT IN THE COMMENTS), but I know im a clumsy ****ing ***** and I would probably end up killing myself and (SINCE IM HYPNOTIZED BY RELIGION,) go to hell. (PLEASE DONT BE RELIGIOUS IN THE COMMENTS). Oh well, and the reason im doing this is because incase i do kill myself
(DONT RANT IN THE COMMENTS I MIGHT NOT) people who push around other people can see what goes on in other peoples lives. And don't take anyone for granted, i wish i never did.
02.01.2018 06:20
Link01000100 01100001 01100100 00101100 00100000 01001101 01101111 01101101 00101100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01100010 01100001 01100011 01101011 00101110
02.01.2018 06:20
LinkTy ur so niceeee ^_^
02.01.2018 06:25
LinkPffft, I too should make a back up account, buti wont... I want you to know (you might hear it alot) it will get better. I promise.
02.01.2018 06:54
LinkTysmmmmmmm ive never had so much confidence until now,
Thank you.
02.01.2018 06:56
LinkI followed u on my mine acc hope no one sees ;)
02.01.2018 06:57
02.01.2018 06:57
Link*omg i hope i dont sound like a slut ****:)