Life update ig😯


21.12.2021 06:12
LinkFinding this account again experience, to say the least. However, it is still cool to see all of the old art I made, it really puts my improvement into perspective. I apologize for the lazy drawing, but I don't feel like spending time/motivation on something like this! Anywho, just thought I'd stop by, maybe make a few drawings again. :] - Kota

I don't have too much too say (I don't think), but I highly doubt anyone is going to see this anyway.
I suppose I should do a little introduction because it has been a very long time since I've spoken to anyone on here. My name is Kota, I use He/It pronouns. I am no longer a member of the furry community, but I still like and draw a few of my old characters! I have grown a LOT from how I used to behave, and have noticed and improved my actions. I hope to talk to some of the people I used to know on here, I would love to know how you've all been.