reach for the stars
oh what a pity.
strangecat and valfar
Shiba Inu: for glitternation
little story
09.03.2020 22:00
Linkbecause I'm bored and yeah
09.03.2020 22:25
Linkin Willow Berry Clan lays an Old Willow right in the middle of their territory and under that old Willow lived in the old cat she was very wise even though she was blind. rumors said that she could sense when a storm was coming. that night when all the cats were getting ready for night she came out of her resting place and stared at this one tomcat named red paw his fur prickled in fear as she look at him with those dead-looking eyes he backs away slowly, then she yelled 'come here young one' red paw looked at his mother and said 'mother is it safe' red paws mother said
'yes son it safe' he slowly crept towards the old cat. 'come on i don't have all day' she hissed red paw picked up his speed
09.03.2020 22:26
Linktell me if you want me to continue the story