
You are my rose


wo shi ta mere oui oui



PS, PI, ZAD: Gambit Schema!
I am disgusted rn


12.08.2020 03:18
Linkmy BROTHER just suggested the nastiest shit ever

12.08.2020 03:23
LinkI am utterly disgusted. he found me on his switch just now, and I tried convincing him not to tell my mom, I said I will give him all my chores money, do all his favors, and give him food when he wants it. mid sentence, HE ****ING PULLED DOWN HIS PANTS. I say no, and look away, I had to talk this crazy ***** into shutting his mouth so I'd shut mine, mind you, we're both minors, 4 years apart, AND, siblings
should I tell my mom or keep quiet?

12.08.2020 03:34
Linkokay so he know's it wrong too, which is why he gave the switch back, I am 11, he's 15, he said this because he want's practice, he said he only asked me, because I'm the only one in the house, I am internally screaming WHAT THE **** right now
this may also be a punishment from god for being disobedient, but then again, it would've been my mom, and a whoopin

Tell your ****ing mother that shit right now.
Incest is not good, if he wants to have sex with you ****ing tell your mother.

okay, to those saying: Tell your mom
understand my situation here, lose the switch and get weight off my shoulders and a whoopin, or keep the switch but have to deal with my WHORE of a brother

Dont worry about us! your safety if WAYYYY more important! thats basically risking getting raped or something by you sibling. Yeah you may loose the switch and us but in the future im sure youll get the switch back. DONT EVER EVER put us first. Make sure your safe and your life is alright before us.

Dude. I know the situation seems difficult. But you need to tell someone. This is ****ing disgusting.