Silhouette - Part 3


19.07.2021 23:34

19.07.2021 23:34
LinkIf you didn't read this, I'll try and give a brief recap. It won't be the full thing. So I do suggest you read it :eyes:

19.07.2021 23:35
Silhouette, Part 3 is already here. It's not the finishing one, I can tell you that. But, yeah. Be prepared.

19.07.2021 23:36
LinkSilhouette Part 2 Recap:
Basically: legend makes friends. Friends find out that the terrible user @blackfire911 is back.

19.07.2021 23:42
LinkChapter 1 of part 3: Not Alone
"Ok. None of you guys actually know Blackfire. So how do you know who he is?" I said. It was confusing, but they got it.
"Okay. You know how I said I'm your therapist?" Fowwie asked. I nodded my head, a bit embarrassed. Talking about therapy in front of a king, being that Promagma, isn't exactly the best way to impress him.
"I'm not actually your therapist." She said.
Iconfanmade brought out a clipboard. It was the clipboard I looked at in therapy!
"This has all the date from your mind. My boss, whom I will not name, is concerned about who you are thinking of. He told me about Blackfire." Fowwie explained. I shuddered.
"So you've been lying this entire time?" I asked, angry.
"Well, have you been getting help?" Fowwie shot back. I slouched my shoulders.
"yes," I mumbled.
"Wait for a second," I said.
They all looked at me, concerned.
"What?" Iconfan asked.
"he's here." My senses started to fail. I felt pained, and odd, and sickened. I felt odd.
I knew th

19.07.2021 23:48
Link-at the feeling.
Blackfire had to be here.
"He's here," I said. Everyone froze. Promagma spoke, though.
"Ok, let's be honest: I and cutieanimations are the only ones who don't exactly know who 'he' is."
Cutieanimations jabbed Promagma in the stomach.
"What?" He complained. "It's true!"
The feeling left Legend. Something else took over. Nervous energy filled the room.
All of the sudden, something burst through the door. Fowwie and Cutieanimations both took over the scene.
The person who ran through was kicked in the stomach by Fowwie, and head locked by Cutieanimations. When they realized that it wasn't Blackfire, or at least not what Blackfire would most likely appear as they dropped him.
The person hit the ground, wheezing.
"Thanks for the welcoming." the person said. They stood up, wiping dirt off of them. They were in a large red suit, with a hat and a crown on top.
"Hello. I'm Bongos." The person said. They held out their hand.
Promagma shook it as if it were familiar.

19.07.2021 23:49
Linkcutieanimations and I* stupid autocorrect without correcting correctly

19.07.2021 23:53
Link"Guys, this is Bongos. They are my, well, the prince of my kingdoms', assistant." Promagma said, introducing Bongos who was previously introduced. Bongos shot a glare at Fowwie, who smiled sheepishly. Cutieanimations and Fowwie gave each other a high five for their skills.
"What is it?" I could hear Promagma ask. He sounded nervous. I heard snippets and bits of their conversation, going like:
"The queen-"
"-she needs-"
"I can't! I'm-"
"AHEM!" Cutieanimations cleared her throat rather loudly. Fowwie, Promagma, Bongos, and I looked over at her. She pointed to the small figure who blended into the bright wall. It was Iconfan, who had something to say.
"I-uh. I know someone." He said. Everyone stared at him, silent. Waiting for him to finish.
"That-that's it. Actually, well, I know someone who's good at making weapons." Iconfan said.
Promagma took off his mask to speak loudly, and Bongos interrupted:

19.07.2021 23:56
LinkEveryone winced, feeling a tad bit bad for Promagma.
He put his mask back on and shot Bongos a glare. Bongos said sorry quietly and stayed silent.
"I think it's best I go with Bongos to see what...The queen wants."
Everyone stopped for a second.
"The queen?" Iconfan asked. "Ok. It'll be fine: you were going to give them a present, but it was taken, and they'll understand."
Promagma chuckled.
"Heh. Yeah. I bet they will." He said quietly, and nervously.

19.07.2021 23:58
LinkSo with that, we all decided:
Iconfan would take us to the weaponsmith, and Promagma would go to the queen.
They all walked off. And with that, comes the next part.

20.07.2021 00:04
LinkChapter 2: Techno-buzz
After finally arriving in the dark cave, located in Stick Figure Forest, Iconfan, Cutieanimations, Fowwie, and I all arrived at the destination.
It was a large door, with the words 'FOREVER' carved in stone, glowing red. We all stood there for a moment.
"I met this man, like, once." Iconfan said. "he's a genius."
Iconfan knocked a rhythm on the door, and it slowly opened, a cracking sound of stone rubbing together.
They all walked inside a torchlit room, a bright red glow illuminating pictures and images everywhere. The room smelled of water and a cave. Everything was quiet, except for a few drips of oil on something. Lava burned in a furnace, and an anvil sat in the center of everything.
Out of one of the doors came a young boy with black hair. A massive red glowing sword was strapped to his back.
"Hey." He said.
He walked over to me and stared at my face.
"Damn." He said. He walked away. At once I started to feel self-conscious about my massive gash.

20.07.2021 00:08
LinkAll of a sudden the boy came back, holding black metal. He put it onto the anvil. I realized it wasn't just scrapped, but rather prosthetics.
"Here ya go." He said, showing me them. I picked a prosthetic arm up. It looked dark black, with the edges colored white. It was beautiful. An infinity sign was glowing red on the shoulder part.
"Infinity" I murmured.
"yep, that's my name. Infinite-FURY. Just call me infi." the boy said.
"Ok...Infi. What am I supposed to do with the-" I pointed at the scraps. He looked at me.
"You don't know how to work metal parts, and align them with the facial features? That's simple welding maneuvering. It's like picking daisies! Fun, and easy!" He reached up, grabbed my face, and put it on top of the table.
"Say cheese!" He said. He picked up a facial metal prosthetic with an orange lens for an eye and put it onto my face. I winced with pain.
"Can't you use something to put me asleep? I have some herbs at my house!" I complained.

20.07.2021 00:13
"Seriously, I can just walk over to my house! It's uh, it's not that-"
"Legend, your house is 54 miles from here. I walked that long to get to my laboratory." Iconfan explained. I was shocked.
"yeah," the boy put in. "and like I said before: no."
"But we can just- I can just walk there!"
"I'll make your hot chocolate if you let me. I'll grab some hot cocoa, and some anesthesia, so I don't feel pain! Win-win!" I compromised.
"Legend does make good hot chocolate." Cutieanimations put in.
"FOR THE LAST TIME, NO!" The boy shouted. They all went silent. I didn't even realize that the boy had just finished with the face, arm, and leg.
"Whoa. That was fast." I said.

20.07.2021 00:18
LinkIt felt odd. Outside of my left eye, everything looked orange. I saw numbers and such, but they went away. The orange hue barely did, but it felt comfortable. I looked in my reflection on a massive hanging sword.
I looked dope.
I raised my right arm, and I saw the robotics on it. It was so cool.
"Th-thanks infi!" I said. Infinite-FURY shrugged.
"Least I could do. I think. What are you guys here for?" He asked.
"Blackfire is here," I said. "He has returned."
All of the sudden, out of the shadows, someone came out. Their pale eyes were shining, but a scar ran across one.
I stared at them, shocked.
"Terra?" I asked. TerraBTW came out of the shadows.
"I-I was attacked by Blackfire, Legend. He is here. He's angry. He-he's searching for you." Terra limped over.
"Yeah, Terra came in here about an hour before you did. They were babbling about all of these crazy things about this idiot named 'Blackfire'. A real powerful guy, he seems. Anyways, if you want to stop him, you're gonna have to work hard. And-

20.07.2021 00:19
Link-get some good weaponry."
At the moment, I was only focusing on Terra. They looked so down and beat. Nothing like before, during that night. When I saw the silhouette. In the moonlight. That silhouette I saw, running from-
"BLACK FIRE STOLE THE PAINTING!" I shouted with sudden realization. Everyone looked at me, their eyes wide.

20.07.2021 00:24
Link"The painting that caused you and Promagma to fight!" I said to Cutieanimations. She looked at me skeptically.
"The painting for the treaty! That Promagma made. Blackfire stole it to start a war. And get revenge on FlipAnim for banishing him."
The man in the silhouette was Blackfire. The man with the cloak was Blackfire.
"He's here," I said, once again.
"What?" Infi drew his large blade, and it glowed crimson red.
"No, not here, here. But I mean, he's back in FlipAnim. He's-he's coming for me."
Everyone stood still. From what they've learned of Blackfire, they were nervous.
"Uh. I still don't know who this man is." Cutieanimations put in.
"If you are gonna fight that son of a bi tch, I suggest you use my old friend. Gafrield."
All of the sudden, out of the shadows of under the anvil, a small cat appeared.
"Meow." It said. I looked at it and smiled.
"Meow bi tch <3" the cat said. I freaked out and back up, hitting some weapons and knocking them over.
"Did that cat just talk." Cutieanima

20.07.2021 00:26
Link-tions asked.
"Yes." Infi said.
"Eh, I've seen weirder." Cutieanimations finished.
"What?" the cat asked, looking at everyone, confused. He looked at his butt.
"Infi, did you clean me correctly?" the cat asked. Infinite-FURY face palmed.
"No, Gafrield. The others aren't used to a talking cat."
"Oh." Gafrield then proceeded to stand up. Everyone shrieked, as Gaf cracked his back, standing on his hind legs.
"Okay, that's officially the weirdest thing I've seen," Cutieanimations said. Everyone else agreed.

20.07.2021 00:31
Link"This is my pupil, Gafrield. I am his sensei. I have been for a very long time. Gafrield is powerful. He will assist you guys in taking down BlackFire."
Infi explained. Everyone looked at the old cat, who was scratching his butt.
"Why is everyone looking at me?" Gafrield asked.
"Gafrield, are you up for that?" Infi asked. Gafrield did a backflip, and landed on the table, picking up a knife and twirling it around. He stabbed it into the anvil but because the anvil was so strong, the knife bounced up and fell off the anvil.
"Yes!" Gafrield said.
"Good," I said.
"uhh, what exactly are we doing?" Gafrield asked. Infi groaned.
"I am glad to get rid of you." He said.
And with that, they all began to prepare for war with Blackfire.

20.07.2021 00:32
20.07.2021 00:37
LinkPromagma walked up the long, long steps of the kingdom, nervously fidgeting with his hands. Nighteye, Prince of Gold, stood next to Promagma as he walked. On his left walked Bongos. All of them were a tad nervous, as they awaited the opening of the queen's doors.
The doors, the massive blue, and purple gates opened.

20.07.2021 00:45
Link2 guards walked up to them:
"Jazzywazzy at your service!" One of them shouted. The other shouted "Foxesarenotreal at your service!" They both held spears and were coated in purple armor, shining and clean.
They led them through the doors, and into the massive throne room. But instead of a throne, there was a golden coffin with a bright blue and purple cloth put over it. Promagma was nervous at first. He felt he just intruded on a funeral that no one attended.
But when he walked up the steps, he realized: Glitter, the lord and ladyship of the entire Silver Kingdom...was dead.
Promagma walked up and on the coffin said the words:
'Gladiolus Glitternation."
Promagma knelt by the coffin and closed his eyes. Prince Nighteye and Bongos did the same. The entire throne room was silent, and everything was quiet.
Then, the sound of footsteps filled the room. Promagma turned around to face someone walking through the throne room, and up the pyre where the coffin sat.

20.07.2021 00:49
Link"Hello, King of the Golden Kingdom." The person spoke. "I am ShadedEch0s, the heir of Gladiolus Glitternation. I am Marigold ShadedEch0s, the grey flower heir to the power flower, the ruler of the Silver Kingdom."
For the Silver Kingdom, it was customary to refer to the royal family as a flower. Gladiolus flowers resembled power. Marigold resembled greyness, a distant but powerful color.
Promagma stood up.
"King of the Golden Kingdom, at your service." He said. He held out his hand for a handshake, but Marigold ShadedEch0s did not take his hand. She didn't respect him. Like her parent, the ruler.
"Why are you here?" Marigold ShadedEch0s asked.

20.07.2021 00:51
LinkPromagma stuttered, feeling unwelcomed. He really wasn't welcome in the Silver Kingdom, per Gladiolus Glitternation's request. In fact, he should be slaughtered on sight in the kingdom: Marigold Shaded kept that in mind.
"I-I...I was requested." Promagma looked at Bongos, who was holding the invitation card nervously. Bongos passed it to Marigold Shaded, who looked at it. They looked at it.

20.07.2021 00:57
"Is this fool bothering you?" FoxesAreNotReal asked, coming out of the shadows. They were very close to Prince Nighteye, who didn't feel comfortable. Nighteye felt any second they could capture him and keep him locked away.
"Another thing Gladiolus kept from me!" Marigold Shaded grumbled.
"What?" Promagma asked, realizing he never read the letter.
"My parent says you have 5 days to stop the way you rule your kingdom. It isn't good. It is causing problems. You are forgetting the way of FlipAnim."
Promagma rolled his eyes at what Marigold Shaded said and glared.
"I cannot believe Briar is-"
"You dare say my parent's first name? After they are expired from this life, you dare insult them? STAND DOWN!" Marigold ShadedEch0s shouted at Promagma, who fell onto his knees. Jazzywazzy and Foxesarenotreal grabbed his shoulders, holding their spears very close to his head. Nighteye and Bongos began to back off nervously.

20.07.2021 01:06
LinkMarigold Shaded looked at Prince Nighteye, a faint smile playing across their lips.
"Black Dahlia Nighteye, Prince of the Golden Kingdom, adopted heir of Promagma, King of the Golden Kingdom. You are like-wise to me, Marigold Shaded-Ech0s, heir of Gladiolus Glitternation, ruler of the Silver Kingdom. We are both heir's of the most powerful."
Nighteye backed away and glared.
"But I am the heir of a living king." He said. He reached into the hidden sheath he had and pulled out a golden sword.
Promagma took off his crown, and it slowly transformed into a double-edged blade, golden and glinting in the sunlight that shined through the glass windows.
Marigold Shaded didn't have a hidden sheath, nor a weapon. Instead, they opened her parent's casket and brought out a large, purple, and dark red beautiful battle-ax.
"Meet the Silver Carnage." Marigold Shaded said.
"but it's not even Silver," Promagma noted. All of them paused. Including Foxesarenotreal, and JazzyWazzy.

20.07.2021 01:11
Link"Well, thanks for taking out the mood," Shaded said. Then, they all swung their swords at once, swinging here and there, slashing and cutting.
Promagma was covered in golden armor, thus not able to move that well. He attacked Marigold Shadedech0s, winning barely. They were more powerful than him.
Prince Nighteye was younger and more agile. They sliced and diced here and there. They were fighting Jazzywazzy and Foxesarenotreal at the same time. Then, they tripped Foxes, threw them at Jazzy, and they both hit the ground on top of each other. Nighteye thrust the sword up, and stabbed down, impaling both of the guards at once. He pulled his sword out and assisted Promagma at fighting.

20.07.2021 01:14
LinkMarigold Shaded swung their battle-ax like a legend, and use the hilt of the ax to slam into Promagma's head.
Promagma fell, hit the coffin, fell off that, and rolled down the steps of the pyre.
Nighteye was filled with rage and began to attach Marigold Shaded viciously.
He spun and ducked and jumped and twisted and rolled, swinging, slashing, cutting, and slicing.
Finally, he managed to stab at Marigold Shaded's arm. They dropped their battle-ax, and it clanked on the floor. Sweating and tired, Nighteye dipped down, grabbed the ax, and stood, holding the ax and the sword, daring Marigold Shaded to make a single move.
"Prince of a living king." Nighteye spat.
Promagma was amazed at what the prince just did.

20.07.2021 01:14
LinkI kinda wanna see this animated :sob:

20.07.2021 01:15
Linkthis scene specifically, the rest is crap

20.07.2021 01:17
LinkMarigold Shaded was on their knees, angry as ever.
"You won't survive the 6th day, you golden brat!" they screamed.
Nighteye chuckled and walked down the steps of the pyre, wiping sweat off his forehead.
Promagma lifted out his hand, and Nighteye lifted him up.
"My son is a true badass," Promagma said, putting his hand on Nighteye's shoulder.

20.07.2021 01:20
LinkThey walked down the hall, the carnage left behind them, a smile on both of their faces.
"Nice job." They complimented each other.
They walked down the large steps and met with a guard. It was a woman with dark brown hair, and a large red hat with 'M' labelled on it.

20.07.2021 01:25
Link"Hey! How'd everything go with the meeting?" The woman asked. Nighteye and Promagma shrugged.
"Eh, nothing. Small argument. That's it." Nighteye said, putting his sword back in his sheath. Promagma smiled and did the same.
"Huh." The woman said.
They all continued to walk down the stairs.
"So, where are you off to now?" She asked.
"Well, I'm going to meet up with my friends. And my son is coming with me." Promagma explained. Nighteye nodded his head.
The woman continued to follow, silent.
Finally, they reached the bottom of the steps.
"Uh, are you sure you don't need any...assistance? Any ride, or anything?" The woman asked.
"Uhm. No." Nighteye said.
"Please just take me with you." The woman quietly begged, glancing at the 3 guards that stood, staring at the distant sun over the horizon of sand.
"What?" Promagma asked.
"I am Maria. I am tired of standing in the sun, having no idea where Gladiolus Glitternation is. I want action. I want to really fight." She complained.
Promagma shrugged.

20.07.2021 01:30
Link"We could always use another member!" He said. Maria jumped up and down with joy.
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you-"
"OkOK- we get it! You're welcome." Nighteye said. Maria gave him a big hug, and then did the same to Promagma.
"AAAA, you guys don't know how glad I am to be leav-" she shushed herself, nervously eying the guards.
"-ing. leaving is a paradise for me!" She finished, whispering the last part.
"No problemo!" Promagma said. They all walked over to the camel, while Maria quickly explained things to the guards. Nighteye watched Maria rip off her armor and throw it into the sand. She was dancing around, laughing happily as the other guards looked surprised.
"Poor Maria. Doesn't realize what we're in for, does she?" Nighteye said.
"To be fair," Promagma responded. "Neither do you."

20.07.2021 01:36
LinkNighteye chuckled. They were having a good time. A new member, a new path to go back. Besides the fact that the Silver Kingdom vowed to attack in 5 days, Promagma felt that, with this newer crew, the others would be able to stop this 'blackfire' dude. Whoever he was, he didn't sound too good.

20.07.2021 01:40
LinkAll of a sudden a massive boom came from the sky. The sun went crimson red, and the sky went black
A shining bolt spewed across the sky and flew at deadly speeds towards Promagma and Nighteye. Both of them were too nervous to move, so Maria brought out a sword and shield.
Thunder crackled in the sky. Then, the figure landed with a massive explosion, at least 50 feet from everyone. The red sun turned white, and the black sky turned blue once more.
But the figure was still there.
"BlackFire911," Promagma said to himself.
Blackfire's laugh could be heard from a long distance. Rather than run, or bolt the distance, Blackfire walked. He chuckled silently. His head was cast downwards, and when he looked up, all that could be seen was 2 pale glowing white eyes of power.
"GET READY!" Blackfire screamed at the top of his lungs. He lunged upwards, a massive boom and shockwave following.
In the sun, Blackfire brought out a sword that glinted.

20.07.2021 01:44
LinkBlackfire shot towards the group. They scattered, and Blackfire stopped himself before hitting the ground.
The 3 guards left their post to chase after Blackfire, but Blackfire just vanished. Promagma watched as the three guards ran over to him. Then, a figure appeared behind them. Promagma tried to tell the guards that Blackfire was behind them, but they didn't hear over the roaring wind.
Then, a slice was heard, and 3 thumping noises followed. All 3 severed heads of the guards laid on the sand, as Blackfire stood there, a savage smile on his wretched face.
Promagma now understood why Blackfire seemingly scared Legend so much.
Nighteye, however, wasn't scared. He chased after Blackfire, his sword raised high. The golden sword glinted in the bright sun, and Blackfire and Nighteye clashed weapons. Nighteye was quick, but backfire was quicker. He shot up here and there, vanishing and reappearing, while Nighteye used all 5 senses to track each of Blackfire's moves.

20.07.2021 01:48
LinkPromagma and Maria lunged into the fight, trying to overcome Blackfire with numbers. But Blackfire decided to even things out.
Blackfire raced his hands, and 2 of him sprouted out behind. Clones. He was cloning himself.
The clones only used their fists but were still effective. One of them attacked Maria, who tried hard to defend herself. Promagma was the same. But the true Blackfire focused on Nighteye.
Nighteye was determined to stay alive.
Swear poured onto his eyes as Nighteye blocked a massive sword.
"I am the prince of Gold!" Nighteye shouted, swinging his sword. Blackfire defended, and a shock of electricity shot into the sword and zapped Nighteye.
"I am the Prince of Gold, adopted heir of the king of the Golden Kingdom!" Nighteye finished. He swung his sword here and there, trying to kill Blackfire. But it was no use.
Blackfire chuckled.
"You flatter yourself." He said.
"Shut up." Nighteye grunted, blocking the massive sword once more.

20.07.2021 01:54
Link"You think you're so tough. You try and strong-" Blackfire pushed his words, as much as he pushed the sword.
"B itch I know how tough I am. That's not my weak spot. You know nothing of my weak spot. If anything, I know more about your weak spot than you. Your weak spot IS you. You are your own weak spot." Nighteye said. He was getting sick of the word 'weak spot' but it seemed to work. Blackfire hesitated for a moment but then continued to push with all force, his sword nearly at Nighteye's throat.
"Die you broken prince!" Blackfire shouted.
"I'll never die!" Nighteye yelled back. Blackfire released the push, and Nighteye gasped, able to breathe again. Blackfire slashed at Nighteye as quick as lightning and stabbed into Nighteye's arm. Nighteye howled with pain but continued to fight.

20.07.2021 01:59
LinkNighteye fought with one hand, his other was covered in blood. Sweat poured on his head as his vision got blurry.
All of the sudden, he spaced out while fighting. He was thinking.
Just the other day, he had no idea who Blackfire was. Now he was fighting to the death with this thing. Life's pace was so fast. And yet, so meaningless.
Nighteye didn't realize but at the moment he was nearly winning against Blackfire.
But Blackfire wasn't ready to die. Blackfire kicked Nighteye, opened his mouth, and roared a roar so loudly it shook the sand in the dunes from miles away. The Roar of Death. Blackfire's last resort to killing someone.
Nighteye was frozen with fear. The roar echoed in his mind, and he fell over, onto the ground. Then, time stopped.
He watched Blackfire, who was unaffected by the time, walked over to Nighteye.
Nighteye groaned and sat up. He looked around: Maria was repeatedly slashing a guard. Promagma was in the middle of slicing off another Blackfire's head.

20.07.2021 02:05
LinkBlackfire walked over to Nighteye and smiled, crouching low. He brought out a pocket knife.
"Want me to carve something in your face as I did to Legend? It's a shame he got away. Stupid friends of his." Blackfire said.
Nighteye laughed.
"You couldn't catch Legend. And you never will. Because you are a worthless, stupid, lying thief. You cause wars because you crave attention. You want to be remembered-"
Blackfire stabbed Nighteye in the neck with his pocket knife. Nighteye groaned.
"You are worth nothing," Nighteye said. Blackfire chuckled, but rage was forming in his pure blank eyes. He just couldn't show it. He was losing his grip.
"And you will die alone." Black fire said, standing up and unsheathing his massive sword. Nighteye coughed out blood.

20.07.2021 02:19
LinkBlackfire raised his sword. Nighteye spoke:
"No matter how dead I am," He spat at his opponent, blood dripping from his neck. "I will ALWAYS be remembered!" He looked up at Blackfire, an insane but golden glint in his eyes. "Not you though."
Blackfire howled with rage and thrust his sword into Nighteye's chest.
"I WILL DIE AS A WARRIOR PRINCE, SON OF THE KING OF GOLD!" Nighteye shouted with intense effort, trying to speak before death grabbed him.
"DIE! JUST DIE!" Blackfire lifted his sword up and down multiple times, over and over again, stabbing at Nighteye.
"I am the Black Dhalia, Prince of Gold," Nighteye said with one last peaceful breathe before Blackfire smote him down once again with his massive sword.
Time sped up once again. But Nighteye's time had ended.

20.07.2021 02:28
Link(credit to Nighteye for coming up with the first sentence of the text box above /gen /pos!)
Through the carnage and bloodshed, Promagma saw his dead son. Blackfire stood above him, an intense look of pride in his pale eyes.
Promagma faltered in his movement, his sword grip falling. The head of the enemy fell off halfway, and the body dissipated.
Promagma gasped and ran over to his son. Blackfire walked backward, laughing. He'd let Promagma say what he could.
Tears filled Promagma's eyes as he stared at his fallen son. The prince of Gold lay dead in the king's hand.
"My-my son," Promagma said, finding his voice rasped and destroyed.
"don't- don't leave! Don't die! I-I-My son. I can't rule a kingdom without you. You are my morning sun and night moon. You are my gold." Promagma held his son tight and no longer did anything anymore. He didn't care about Blackfire, or the war, or anything. He wanted to stay there with his son until death came and took Promagma to Nighteye once again.

20.07.2021 02:35
LinkBut alas, Promagma was met by Blackfire.
Blackfire laughed insanely, and walked over to Promagma.
"He was wasting precious oxygen. No need for him anymore." Blackfire said. Promagma lay his son down gently in the sand.
"You. Will. Burn." Promagma got up and stripped himself of his armor. He dropped his double-edged sword and picked up his son's sword instead.
"I will finish what he started," Promagma said.
They slashed and fought and stabbed, but after a mere minute, Blackfire sliced Promagma's arms until Promagma couldn't bear it.
Promagma hit the sandy ground, a tear falling from his eyes.
Then, at the corner of his eyes, Promagma saw something huge coming from the corner of his eye, around the north. An army.
Blackfire grabbed Promagma's neck and lifted him up off the ground.
"Where is Legend," Blackfire said. Maria ran to kill Blackfire, but Blackfire kicked her 5 yards across the sand, and she slammed into a dune.
"He's at a cavern in Stick Figure Forest." Promagma said.

20.07.2021 02:37
LinkWhy did Promagma tell the truth?
Because of the oncoming army. If Blackfire saw them, he could easily persuade them to work for Blackfire. Because the army wasn't exactly...the brightest of people.
Blackfire stared skeptically at Promagma and then snarled.
"Damn you," Blackfire said. He chucked Promagma into the sand, and Promagma rolled until he hit his son's body.
Then, Blackfire took off into the sky, a massive boom and shockwave following.

20.07.2021 02:38
20.07.2021 02:41
LinkThe carnage was over. A dense ring hung in the air, as thick smoke poured by. The distant army up ahead was marching closer, and Promagma was now once more cradling Nighteye in his arms.
Maria walked over and knelt next to promagma.
Promagma was sitting there, Nighteye in his arms, Maria at Promagma's side. The sun was setting, smoke from fires, caused by the Blackfire himself, were blowing behind them.
Promagma cried and cried, and Maria tried to comfort him. The army came closer and closer.

20.07.2021 02:56
LinkPromagma realized that whomever this army belonged to, it could be the last thing he sees. But that'd be a good thing. He'd be able to see his son sooner.
But it occurred to him that he couldn't visit his son and tell him that Blackfire never got his revenge. He also couldn't just let Maria, that innocent wonderful woman who just got out of years of being a guard, die so soon.
It wouldn't be fair.
But already, the army arrived. They stopped short upon seeing Promagma. And someone stepped down from a pyre that was being held by 18 men.
And the person held a staff, a staff of red. And they spoke:
"Who is worthy to be in the presence of the king. That being, me."

20.07.2021 03:07
Damn what a ride :/
that was like, 3 hours worth or writing r smthn d a m n
uh, I'm actually SUPER glad you guys enjoyed this??? THank you so much for reading you don't know HOW GLAD I am that you do. Seriously, the only reason I continue to write is that I know you guys are reading. And I hope it makes you happy /gen
I love all of you so much askjldfnkjlans /gen /pos /lh

20.07.2021 11:40
haven't heard that name in a long time
Comment removed

Ooh! I was thinking that Maria would have a breaking point.
Like for example: If Blackfire killed her close friends or something like that, she'll snap and go psycho, causing a lot of carnage from the enemies until she faints from exhaustion or until an allie calms her down.
Oh and how about having a new character have healing powers or some type of magic! (if magic is acceptable, that is...)