Part 2 of Silhouette


19.07.2021 19:18
LinkRight after I finish taking out the trash, I'm going to finish writing (or write some more) of Silhouette. It's the FlipAnim story.
More people, on FlipAnim, are abt to show up!

19.07.2021 19:19
LinkWhile I'm doing that, whoever is new to this should catch up by reading some of the first parts. That way you aren't left in the dark with the storyline!

19.07.2021 19:30
LinkAlright! Here we go: the story, thus far.
This is a recap:

19.07.2021 19:31
LinkPreviously, on Silhouette, Cutieanimations, and TerraBTW visit Legendanimator's house when they are tired, but cannot sleep.
It's during dead hours when everything is quiet.
Legendanimator looks out his window, and sees a silhouette in the moon of a man, holding something. And then he stole away, into the shadows of the night.

19.07.2021 19:33
LinkChapter 2: A very angry village

19.07.2021 19:36
LinkThe next day, I was incredibly tired but didn't dare nap. I decided it'd be best to see my therapist, Fowwie, for help with my dreams.
And that is where I am now.
"So, what do you think is the root of all your problems?" Fowwie asked me, her legs crossed and a clipboard in her hands. She looked very professional, which made me proud of her. She was only a therapist for at least 3 weeks, and she was already doing wonderful.
"I-I don't know," I said. I didn't know the roots of my problems, and I'd rather not think about it. But Fowwie insisted.
"Legend, listen: if there is a spoiled wood at the bottom of a structure, it could knock the whole thing down. Now tell me: what is your spoiled wood? If you can find it." She said once more. I shrugged.
"I-I...How am I supposed to find this said 'Spoiled wood'?" I asked. Fowwie thought for a moment and thought up something with her smart and precise therapeutic skills.
"You love plantations, herbs, and other such natural things! Why don't-

19.07.2021 19:39
Link-you use one of your herbs for meditation?" She suggested.
"Are you telling me to do drugs?" I asked. She laughed.
"No. Not all herbs should count as drugs. At least, not dangerous drugs. Just try something peaceful, put on some relaxing music, and meditate. Then, you might be able to find your problem!" She smiled widely. I decided she was most likely right.
"Well, that's all I can do for today." She said, getting up and setting her clipboard on the table. She stretched and grabbed something out of her pocket. She then held it up and handed it to me.
"Want a lollipop?" She asked. I laughed and declined.

19.07.2021 19:40
LinkFowwie walked out of the room, possibly to check something or grab some coffee.
That's when I took a sudden interest in the clipboard she always had whenever we spoke. I stared at it for a while, fidgeting.
What was she writing on there?
I glanced out the door and didn't hear any sign of Fowwie. She must've been talking to someone else at the front desk, a couple of halls down.
I casually walked over to the table and peaked out the door. Fowwie was nowhere in sight. I glanced at the clipboard. It was now or never.

19.07.2021 19:41

19.07.2021 19:43
LinkI grabbed the clipboard and scammed the entire page. This was all I read:
"...possible signs of PTSD. As a result of the incident..."
"...He has seemingly returned. Alerting the council is unnecessary, and thus will not happen..."
"...I tapped into his brain functions. He saw something the other night during...dead hours. It might be connected to the recent stealing..."
I heard someone walked by and quickly put the clipboard onto the table jumping into my seat, a million thoughts racing in my head. Who returned? I-what did I see last night.
Tapped into my brain functions?
I wanted to get out of wherever I was as fast as possible. I thought this was therapy, not a do-science-on-Legends-brain-lab.

19.07.2021 19:46
LinkFowwie walked into the room. I sat there, my heart thumping like a wild horse as she stared at me, a bit surprised.
"Is everything okay? You looked like you just saw a ghost..." She looked very concerned. I stuttered, trying to form words, but realized I couldn't.
I sighed.
"I uh-well, I should getting back now." I smiled and quickly walked out of the room, down the halls, and out the door.
But things didn't get better from there.

19.07.2021 19:48
LinkUpon walking outside, all I saw was complete carnage. Fires, here and there. Gun shots every now and again. It was the usual flip aim, but a lot more
weapon noises, I suppose.
I saw amidst the yelling a large ring of people, screaming and shouting.
I realized that they were cheering for something inside the ring. I walked over, all concerns about therapy seemingly sliding into my subconscious.
Then, I saw Cutieanimations inside the ring, her hair ruffled and boxer gloves on. I gasped. What was she doing inside somewhere so dangerous?

19.07.2021 19:51
LinkAnd at the other side, I saw Promagma with the same get up. His crown was bent and torn, and his face was covered in blood.
Promagma and Cutieanimations walked around each other like vicious dogs, waiting to bark and fight. The people outside the ring were shouting, and they seemed to be getting bored. They wanted blood.
All of the sudden, Cutieanimations lunged at Promagma with deadly force, but he sidestepped and gave a vicious uppercut, hitting her jaw and knocking her down. I choked on my own emotions when I heard the thump of my friend hitting the ground. Anger boiled inside of me and I leaped as hard as I could into the ring but hit a bunch of others instead.
All of the people stopped watching the battle and focused on me, but were still rough and rowdy, ready to rumble.
I gulped upon seeing a large crowd of the ring people walked after me, holding large crowbars and brass rings for punching.
All of the sudden, the pounding started going and my head was thumping here and there-

19.07.2021 19:57
LinkA lot of others were screaming 'stop, stop!' upon seeing the terrible group fight, but I couldn't speak. as the terrible people slammed my head for trying to stop the fight. I was kicked, punched, thrown around, and slammed by metal.
But I opened my eye, and out of the blur and red of everything, I saw my friend holding Promagma by the sweatshirt, repeatedly punching the shit out of him. It was all a fuzzy spectacle with my terrible vision, but the next thing I saw was her dropping Promagma onto the ground, and him thumping the floor. With a weak hand, I pointed. My finger was punched and the bone popped, but people began to notice what I was trying to point at. They saw Cutieanimations standing over an unconscious Promagma. They all began to cheer and clap. I hit my head on the ground, trying to figure out what the hell happened. I tried to save my friend, got beat up for disrupting a fight, and realized my friend was fine. Huh.

19.07.2021 20:01
LinkI groaned and attempted to sit up.
The burning sun was in the middle of the sky as the people were cheering and yelling, happy as hell. All of the sudden, they all disappeared.
No one was left.
No blood in the ring.
No one.
A ringing noise filled me as the terrible sun burned in the sky. A black silhouette appeared in front of the son, like a Solar Eclipse. I heard the sound of my laboured breathing, faint but horrible. All of the sudden, the silhouette landed. It was a cloaked figure.
"I have returned." It said. It cackled, and slowly disappeared as if it was only a mirage.
And there I was.
In the middle of a vast desert. No land for miles. I don't know where the village went. I don't know where the therapy house went. I don't know where anything was. I was just laying there, covered in blood, in the middle of nowhere. Burning. Alone.
All of a sudden,
everything went black.

19.07.2021 20:02
19.07.2021 20:06
LinkI woke up in an all-white room. A ringing tone was faintly playing in my head. A silent ring of pain.
Ring of pain!
All of a sudden I shot out, but pain shot up everywhere inside me as if it was pulling me down. I gagged for some reason and fell back down. All of the sudden, someone sitting in a chair who had blended into the pale wall, walked over to me. He had a large stamp of red on his forehead. It said 'FANMADE'. Odd tattoo.
I stared as my vision started to get better.
"Hey." The person said. I titled my head, staring at the figure.
"It's me, Iconfreakfanmade. Iconfan." He said. I remembered him from a while ago. We used to go fishing together.
"I uh-I remember you. You were the one that caught that massive Bass fish." I said. I was disturbed at the sound of my scratchy, horrid voice.
"Well," Iconfan said. "Now I've caught an even bigger bass. Two, in fact." he pointed to the left of me, and I turned my head as far as it could go. I saw, laying in another blinding white bed, Promagma.

19.07.2021 20:12
LinkHe was completely cleaned up. And I mean completely:
His crown was restored properly, clean and shiny. His body was completely clean, his sweatshirt was clean. He looked comfortable beside a cast and a wrapping on his face.
"Hey," I said. Being in that bed, seeing him next to me, filled me with a warm feeling. It felt like I knew we were both humans. We weren't different. I wasn't worse, he wasn't better, I wasn't better, he wasn't worse. I felt a connection with him. No longer a strong hatred.
Immediately that connection dropped, though.
I saw Cutieanimations, sitting in a chair. She was fain. Except for a massive, nearly cleaned gash on her chin. I tried to get out of my bed. I'll say: it wasn't for going to cutieanimations, but rather to walk over and strangle Promagma using a pillow, Joker 2019 style.
I glared at the sleeping king and rolled my eyes.
"Hey, he's been through some stuff too. Before you judge him, listen to what happened." Iconfan said.
I realized I had no idea why Cutieanimations-

19.07.2021 20:19
Link-and Promagma had gotten into a fight. Cutieanimations was pretty rough sometimes, but that was just who she was. She was admirable in a military-general way.
But Promagma was usually upon his throne, ruling his kingdom. Getting into a lousy street fight with someone who he'd probably deem 'unacceptable' to be in his presence? Not likely.
But it happened.
I looked at Iconfan with concern as he spoke:
"Last night...Someone broke into Promagma's kingdom and stole something very valuable: a new realism drawing that was...that was actually something that could get featured. It was a realistic drawing of Glitternation's OC as a peace treaty between him and her kingdom, as a result of the recent wars.
And he framed CutieAnimations-"
"She kept sending me f ucking threats, who else do you suppose would steal something?" Promagma interrupted, waking from his sleep. Cutieanimations glared at him.
"Shut up or I'll screw up that nose of yours again. Should've left you to die in the ring." She mumbled.

19.07.2021 20:21
LinkPromagma stopped moving for a second and looked shocked.
"N-nose?" He gently pulled the cast off his nose and looked at his face.
A massive dent was inside the center of his head, below his forehead, and above his chin. it looked like his nose grew inside rather than outside. Promagma let out a shrill scream and I laughed. I felt a little bad but-
it was funny.
Iconfan and Cutieanimations grimaced at the site.

19.07.2021 20:22
Link"Anyways, we don't know who stole it yet. cutieanimations was pissed at Promagma for the accusation, and Promagma was pissed at her. Reasonable on both sides, but fighting in the middle of the damn ring wasn't reasonable." He glared at Cutieanimations and Promagma, who both gave a guilty face.

19.07.2021 20:27
Link"ok, well why don't you guys just check the security cameras?" I asked. Promagma spoke up:
"Oh, my kingdom doesn't believe in security cameras. If they did, I'd have a million people watching me paint and draw every day."
I got so pissed for some reason I just shouted:
"You dull-headed ignorant little shit! You don't have security cameras?! In your own safety room?!?"
Iconfan calmed me down.
"Sorry, Promagma. He's a little angry. Just, some personal problems...I'd assume." He quickly added that last part. I looked at Iconfan who looked nervous.
"What?" I asked. He nodded his head.
"It's nothing."
Then, he walked out of the room to go grab something.
While he was gone, Cutieanimations, Promagma, and I began to talk.
"So. Why the hell would you frame my friend?" I asked again. And he answered.
"She was sending me death threats all week. It was rational."
Cutieanimations glared.
"Those were my followers. Not me." She said. Promagma sputtered.
"Oh yeah, sure. Your 'followers' did that. So why did

19.07.2021 20:31
LinkSo why didn't you say anything about it?" He asked. She grumbled.
"Because unlike you, I keep a good relationship with my followers! And I'm not throwing them under the bus. Not against some tyrant like you. you'd probably force them all to death."
Promagma glared.
"Hey," he said, sitting up. "Uneasy the head that wears the crown, okay? Do you know how PISSED I was upon seeing that my PEACE TREATY was stolen? I worked for at least 3 months to find inspiration for that drawing. It had all the art forms. And I spent a long time painting it. For the sake of peace." He said. For a second, I understood him. He was just trying to stop an oncoming war between him and Glitternation's kingdom. And the fact that it was stolen the same week he got a bunch of death threats makes sense for him to blame-
What am I thinking? No. Progmagma is a selfish idiot. He can't be right.
"Shut up. Just- stop making these excuses." I said. Promagma shot me a glare, and said back:
"And who are you to tell me to shut up?"

19.07.2021 20:35
Link"Just a regular person! And guess what: you should listen!" I shouted. "It's like the only people you listen to are popular people!"
I think it was my own greed for popularity speaking, and jealousy. Promagma seemingly felt bad and tried to remain quiet. I started up again, however, in a falsetto voice, imitating Promagma
"OH, I'm promagma and I'm having a big feast and only inviting the upper class. Oh, I'm promagma. Fu ck security cameras! Oh, I'm promagma, I pick fights with people who are younger than me-"
"Will you shut the f uck up? Hey, take this." He handed me a mirror. "And look at the reflection. Maybe you'll learn that people with that kind of face shouldn't have a ****ing voice."
I was about to throw the mirror at him when I saw Cutieanimations face. She looked nervous. I stopped in mid-movement.
"Promagma why would you do that?" She asked, quietly as if she felt she could've stopped it.
"What?" I asked. I looked at Promagma who looked guilty.
Then, I looked at the mirror.

19.07.2021 20:36

19.07.2021 20:39
LinkI began to hyperventilate while I held the mirror with the one hand that wasn't in a cast.
I saw, in my reflection, the worst thing ever:
half my face was torn off.
It was red and blistered wherever I couldn't see my insides. Pink ooze, with red and purple slime and chunks of unknown things, were all over. The skin was peeling here and there. Odd bubbles formed on most of my face, and half of it was covered with blood. I guess Iconfan missed a spot when cleaning me.
I dropped the mirror on the ground and it shattered. I realized that the entire time, I could only see out of one eye. That was because my other eye wasn't even there.
I shuddered and felt sick. My stomach churned and I gagged and threw up next to me. I couldn't believe how disgusting I looked. I was hyperventilating, while Cutieanimations went to fetch some water.
"Alright guys, especially you, Legend-" Iconfan walked into the room, optimistic and happy, but stopped midway and stared at me.
"Oh boy. You found out, didn't you. About

19.07.2021 20:52
Link-the uh-"
"yeah," I said
"The face?" he asked.
"Yes, I know."
"yes, I know about the fuking face."
"Ah. ok."
(Such a random dialogue scene what-)

19.07.2021 20:57
Link"Ok can you just tell me what the hell happened?"
"What do you mean?"
"ABOUT THE FACE, WHAT ELSE WOULD I MEAN?!" I shouted at Iconfan.
"Sorry, sorry. I'm just- I was reading things on a-nevermind. It-it doesn't matter. Anyways, about your face, and arm and leg-"
"Arm and leg?" I asked. I looked at my right arm. It was in a cast.
All of the sudden, the cast fell off, and stuffing poured out. The cast was fake. My arm was-
"TORN OFF!" I screamed, not being able to focus right. My leg was the same, I assumed.
I screamed, and Promagma chuckled: karma for the nose.
"WHAT HAPPENED?! TELL ME ICON JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!!" I shouted. He backed up, holding his arms up.
"Ok ok! I-I don't actually know. Uhh, I found you lying down, beaten up. Your face was torn off, and your arm and leg were ripped off too. I don't know what caused it. I don't think anyone who was at the ring ripped it off. They would've-"
Icon continued to talk, but I began to space out. A harsh ringing filled all I could hear-

19.07.2021 21:02
Link-and the white room began to get whiter until it was blinding and it was all I could see.
All of a sudden I was somewhere else.
In this room. A white room. A black rose sat in the middle of the floor of the room. I walked over to it, but found I couldn't move: I was chained to the wall. I tugged at the chain, but it was no use. I looked around to make sure there was some ventilation so I wouldn't have an anxiety attack from the claustrophobic-inducing room.
I didn't see any hole, nor vent. Nothing. Not even a door.
I realized, for that to be possible, this room would have to be fake.
I kicked the wall incredibly hard expecting it to tumble, but nothing happened.
"What the-," I said aloud. I realized my voice worked, however.
"Help! HELP!" I began to scream.
"Help! Help!" I voice mimicked me. My vision went red for a second but came back.
Something behind me laughed, and my skin crawled. I shuddered and turned around. It was the cloaked figure.
"Crybaby. R*tard. Wimp. you're-

19.07.2021 21:03
Link(sorry for the R slur. This is a clue as to who the enemy is. DO NOT SPOIL IF YOU KNOW WHO)

19.07.2021 21:05
Link-the weakest girl I've ever met. Don't misgender me, don't misgender me." He mimicked the last part and followed that with a cold chuckle.
"Stop," I said.
"Stop? Does little legend want me to stop? Awe. Isn't that cute, little brother?" The man asked.
Little brother.
All of the sudden, a faint realization as to who this could be crossed my mind.
"NO!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, fighting the chains. The man laughed and laughed, getting into my face. I saw my reflection in him, instead of him himself. My face was torn up. I was broken.
Then, everything flashed black and white. I woke up once more to another setting.

19.07.2021 21:10
LinkI saw my body. I was beaten destroyed. People walked around, and so did someone else with a cloak on. The cloaked figure held a pocket knife, but no one seemed to notice him.
He crouched low.
I saw all of this from above, my body, the man. I was just watching. And I wish I wasn't.
The cloaked man cut into my face, starting at my chin. He sliced as if he was slicing meat. He seemed to enjoy it. To savor it. He cut up and down and up and down, chuckling silently. Then, he sliced one last time, and gently pulled off a mask of skin, and other material from my head. He then put half of my face into his pocket and looked up at the sky. At me. He flipped me off.
Pretty lame insult, compared to cutting off someone's face.
It looked as if he heard me think that, because he stepped on my chest, lifted up my limp arm, and ripped it off. I watched my body intently: I was completely unconscious. If not, dead.
Then, He walked over to my leg. I tried closing my eyes to avoid the site but I couldn't I felt like-

19.07.2021 21:14
Link-a camera, watching a movie.
He stepped on my stomach, grabbed at my leg, and ripped it off with joy.
Then, everything went black, again. Seems like this is happening a lot.

19.07.2021 21:18
LinkAll of a sudden I woke back up in the room.
I was still with Icon, and Promagma, and Cutieanimations, and Fowwie-
"I came as soon as I could." She said. See what I mean? Great therapist!
"Legend, what happened?" Cutieanimations asked.
"I-I don't know," I admitted.
Then, I saw someone pass by in the dark hall. It was someone. With glowing pale eyes. And a devilish smile.
I gasped and everyone looked at my gaze.
"What is it?"
"B-b-b-" I stuttered. They all stared at me concerned. Except for Fowwie, and Icon. Who knew something.
"Blackfire." Fowwie, Iconfan, and I all said at the same time.
"He's back."

19.07.2021 21:20
LinkThe End of Part 2