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irish history lesson
10.03.2021 05:14
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eg cough cough
10.03.2021 05:17
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First ever inhabitants of ireland were estimated to have shown up around 7000-8000 BC. And then around 1200 BC the Celts arrived in Ireland which they shared their language with the current inahbitants which has formed into what is known as today as Irish Gaelic The Celts were known as amazing artists and poets! some of their work even still exists to this day
10.03.2021 05:22
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But the Celts were also fierce and Experts in battle making their army one of the strongest around that time Now we learn about St. Patrick! St Patrick was kidnapped when he was 16 and taken to Ireland to work as a slave. He had escaped and left ireland but then soon came back to Preach Christianity to the Irish people because he had heard the voice of god. He had built several churches around Ireland, And legend is that he taught the Irish the concept of the "Trinity" by showing the a shamrock, a three leaved clover, he used it to highlight the christian belief of the three divine persons in god- The Father,Son and Holy Ghost. Giving Ireland its National symbol!
10.03.2021 05:27
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And then Around 795 AD the Vikings had came to Ireland from Scandinavia. They stole and pillaged Irish Treasure. By the end of the Tenth century the Viking power had been diminishing and The viking era in Ireland is said to of finish in 1014, when the largest viking army was defeated in Clontarf by Brian Bóru. While Brian Bóru was actually killed as he rested in his tent at the battle of Clontarf, he was famed as a warrior and is considered to be Ireland's greates king!
10.03.2021 05:42
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In the twelfth century the Normans arrived in Ireland and that began the 800 year struggle with England. In the 1600's a whole bunch of Irish land was taken and given to English families. It divided the country which the division actually still exists today. Right now, Britain controls a Northern part of Ireland.One of the worst moments in the conflicts between England and Ireland was the arrival of Oliver Cromwell.One of The most Hated figures in Ireland's History. Oliver Cromwell first arrived in Dublin in August 1649 and was intent on eradicating, as he saw it, the Irish problem once and for all. He called what he was doing the Work of God. He despised Irish Catholics and with his army he slaughtered and murdered, burnt houses and destroyed churches and murdered priests. He stole Irish land and gave it to moneylenders and English soldiers.He forced most of the Irish (mainly Catholics) to the far side of Ireland where the land was unfertile and poor.
10.03.2021 05:51
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there was more Fights and battles between the English and Irish in the next 150 years and a Failed uprising by Wolfe Tone who is seen today as the father of Irish Republicanism. One of the biggest events in Ireland's history was the Great Famine More than one million Irish died and more than one million immigrated because of the failure of their main crop, the potato.during the Famine which lasted from 1845-1852 Many Irish people risked their lives riding on "coffin ships" to America where they settled on the east coat. The Irish had other ways of supplying food such as Cattle and Sheep but they had to sell them to pay the high rents on their stolen land that the English demanded. If the Irish could not pay their rent they would be evicted from their houses and land therefore they had no means of producing food and either died or were forced to immigrate.
10.03.2021 05:57
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The roads were strewn with dead Irish Men,Women and Children with green around their mouths in a desperate attempt to quench their hunger by eating grass. The late 1800's had another Push for Irish independence from England with the rise of Charles Stuart Parnell, One of Ireland's greatest politicians. The Land League was formed with Charles Stuart Parnell as president. He tried to promote a more political way of dealing with the English. He promoted "shunning" which meant that Irish people should refuse and offer by any Landlord that unfairly evicted tenants before them, or any Irish that took up rent of new available land. This was known as the "Land war". While Parnell never achieved home rule. it laid ground work for Ireland's greatest uprising.
10.03.2021 06:01
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in 1916, Easter weekend. The Irish Citizen Army launched an uprising. Britain was in the middle of World War 1. Padraig Pearse was one of the leaders of the rising. Around 1,200 members and the leaders of the rising captured the G.P.O. and various other buildings around Dublin city. the rising was a failure but laid groundwork for much bigger things. The British rounded up the Leaders of the rising and executed them. the executed leaders soon became martyrs.
10.03.2021 06:10
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Soon the fight for Irish Independence began to gain momentum and the next few years saw the rise of Micheal Collins and Eamon De Valera. A new style of guerrilla warfare began.The bloodshed on Irish streets peaked with the execution of British Intelligence agents in 1920 engineered by Micheal Collins and the murder of many Irish, innocent Irish too, by the British "Black and Tans". but by 1922, Ireland achieved Independence from Britain, except for six counties in Northern Ireland, which is still apart of Britain Today. Soon the post boxes were painted green from the traditional British red and the Irish flag flew high above the country. of course violence still continued to peak in the 1970s in Northern Ireland but has since decreased. Thankfully today, Ireland is relatively peaceful with the power sharing in Northern Ireland between the main Catholic and Protestant parties.
10.03.2021 06:11
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And thats it! If you have any questions dont be afraid to ask!
10.03.2021 05:21
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: OO
10.03.2021 05:32
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*Takings Of Notes*
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