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quick ref for winter Kap
25.02.2021 18:42
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I love Kap /p
25.02.2021 18:47
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he loves u 2 /p
25.02.2021 18:46
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- a lot more feathers - seems to be almost fluffy, or fluffed out, since feathers trap air and makes it warm - longer hair to also stay warm, gets cut (well, more likely burned) in the spring, grows back by winter - his face especially has a lot more feathers, since that's one of the only places that doesn't really have a lot of feathers in the first place, - probably molts in the spring and fall, so he can get normal and then winter version - likes sitting down a lot more, and is usually seen as more calm. he just wants to keep his legs warm - speaking of legs, those get more feathers too, on the lower half. a lot more. similar to a rough-legged hawk or golden eagle
25.02.2021 18:59
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im gonna write some other info for harpies that are in my little brain - harpies tend to have mates for life, but a woman will leave her mate if she finds him unfit and has found an unmated man who is more suitable. - if a tribe has been hunted, meaning unfeathered have come in and slaughtered a large amount of the tribe's population, harpies will turn to poly relationships. This is so everyone can have as much offspring as possible. In that situation, that's most important - no one is sure if harpies lay eggs or produce live young since family life is often very protected and kept secret in their society. no one shares what goes on at home with their friends, let alone someone out of the species. a mother will bring up their young in conversation only when she feels as if they have made a great success, is worried that they are sick, and if they have died. this is the majority though, not all
25.02.2021 19:08
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- homosexuality in the harpy species isn't quite often seen since a harpy's main goal is to simply reproduce. you will see some cases, like all species, but it's on the lower side compared to unfeathered. this is typical because no actual loving bond is made when harpies reproduce. there are some, but very few tribes that allow that sort of thing. It's a separate partner from your mating partner (if it's two people of the same sex), and you can be romantically involved with them. You more often see the opposite sexes being romantic though since even in tribes that accept homosexuality, it's still generally frowned upon. - harpy tribes will often ostracize harpy men and women if they are homosexual. this is seen in most tribes. there isn't a distinct line between the number of women that are kicked next to the number of men, since they're around the same. We know that there are still probably a lot of harpies that are interested in the same sex, but just don't ever say it or act on it.
25.02.2021 19:18
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- harpies tend to stay alone or with their partner throughout their life. Even if they do tend to stay in tribes, they aren't tight-knit like we would think. Oftentimes, a harpy or a couple can leave and no one will really notice. Usually, people know around a week later, but they're indifferent about it. - harpies that are cut from their groups often have a hard time adjusting to life. They can die within weeks if they don't know how to survive. Harpies aren't like unfeathered folk and usually feel out of place if they somehow are able to roost with them. They also aren't usually able to find a mate that is unfeathered or feathered, and they can become quite depressed because of it. - harpies can form friendships and bonds of the like with other harpies within their tribe, but you don't see it quite often. A harpy will usually stick to themselves or will stick with their mate, not conversing with others. some may find a particular interest in socializing, just depends on the person. Some may be cut from-
25.02.2021 19:24
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the tribe if the others find it offputting. - besides these facts, harpies have quite the variety. they can be all different types of skin tones you generally see when it comes to humans, as well as some more unnatural ones like greys. this is quite rare though. - different harpies are made for different environments, just like unfeathered folk, due to the environment they're in. a harpy tribe located in the snowy mountains may have a similar pattern to a snow owl, or are just generally white. rockier areas tend to produce more greys, reds, and blues. plains have a lot of yellows and browns, desert is usually a giant mixture of a bunch of colors. - harpy males tend to be more colorful than females, just like birds. this is attractive to females. the brighter more elaborate color scheme you have, there is a higher the likelihood that you will get a female mate. - Harpies are also quite into wooing your mate (like birds). a male will try his damn hardest to court a woman he takes interest in. this include
25.02.2021 19:31
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this includes doing traditional dances, cooking for her, showing her how groomed you are, fighting other males, etc. - from a young age, most harpy tribes try to teach their young how bad unfeathered beings are. typically it's fear-mongering, but there is some truth to what they say. harpies are monsters in legend, and unfeathered will hunt harpies to simply boast about killing one. harpies are equipped with sharp talons, but they're useless when paired up against a shotgun and a trigger-happy person. - harpy bones are pretty fragile since they need to stay light to fly, which is also quite a risk. harpy children aren't allowed to leave their nest because of this, but it isn't so great since when harpy children are old enough and leave the nest, they're quite ignorant about the world and don't know what's dangerous or not. So basically, they break their bones and die anyways because of it. Just at a slightly older age. - the harpy lifespan is quite a large range. some die quite young, while others live t
25.02.2021 19:32
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to be extremely old. typically, the lifespan is around 35-50, depending on what kind of harpy you are and what conditions you're in. too lazy to write other stuff but yeah
25.02.2021 19:13
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Ooh that’s interesting
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