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Chapter 20 - Warrior's Thunder
01.02.2021 16:03
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Chapter 20 Brinknose walked into the Nursery. He turned towards Webtail. “Please leave. I need to talk with Jasperwhisker alone.” The she-cat nodded and walked out. Even though he was trying to act tough, but the moment Webtail left, Brisknose became extremely nervous as he was the only one in the den with the pink and white Queen. “Jasperwhisker.” “What?” She hissed, her tail already flickering. “We need to talk.” “About what?” “Your kits.” Brisknose only came as close as he dared, which wasn’t very far. “They can’t know who their real father is. We need another cat to be their pretend father. I’ve talked with Quartzfur about this. It needs to be done.” The gray tom willed that she would listen. Jasperwhisker shot up, her whiskers quivering in annoyance. “We’ve talked about this…” “And we’re talking about it again.”
01.02.2021 16:03
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“Why?” “Because we need to make a decision.” He raised his chin. “I am willing to be your kit’s fake father.” “WHAT?”,, He nodded. “You want to fake being my mate!?” “It is for the better of the Clan.” “Tch…” She turned her head to the side, “You really are a good deputy…” “So have we come to an agreement?” The end of Brisknose’s tail was twitching nervously, so he hid it behind him. “Yes. Yes we have.” “Good.” He turned and walked onto the Highrock, Quartzfur coming out of the den behind him. “Brisknose?” “She has agreed. We can explain it to the Clan now.” “WAIT- To the whole clan?!” “Wasn’t that the plan? We can’t let any of the cats tell her kits about their real father.”
01.02.2021 16:03
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“Yeah but… How are we supposed to do that?” “Well, we would call a Clan meeting and explain it to them. They know that Shadowleg was a bad cat.” Brisknose shivered as he remembered his awful dream that he remembered all too well. “Alright… Do we make them believe that were truly mates? Or no?” “Preferably not.” “Just say the relationship was a huge mistake.” Quartzfur said. He nodded. “Sounds good.” Brisknose turned and stood on the edge on the Highrock. “All cats that can catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock.” Swiftly, cats, even some pouring from Fadedclan, gathered below. Quartzfur glanced down at them. “Jasperwhisker is pregnant. I’m sure you know that. BUT! The father of her kits are not the backstabber, Shadowleg… The father is Brisknose.” Gasps swiftly rippled through the gathering cats. The gray tom nodded. “It is true.”
01.02.2021 16:04
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“HOW?!” Shiningsilver gasped, “You two hate each other!” Brisknose felt a shiver of doubt. He hadn’t thought of that. “That doesn’t matter.” “Our relationship was a mistake. However, I know Brisknose will be a great father.” “I am proud of my kits, as you should be too. This meeting is dismissed. If you want to talk with me, come find me.” He turned around and walked off the Highrock. Cats cocked their heads to watch the once timid-still timid tom. Their mouths were in awe. “If I see ANYONE try to make fun of my kits because of Brisknose. I’ll kill you.” She tipped her tail and walked into the medicine den, flicking her tail for Emeraldspeck to follow. The gray she-cat nodded, following her into the nursery. “Is everything ok?” “It hurts…” She hissed lightly. “You’re very close to kittening.” “Oh no.” ***
01.02.2021 16:04
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It was the dead of night. Peace and silence was present. Not a single peep. Not a single mew from Fadedclan kits, not a single complaint from elders. It was a perfect night for sleep. The air was warm and cool and- “EMERALDDSPECCKKKK!” Yowled out Jasperwhisker. Emeraldspeck jumped out of her nest, running out of the medicine cat den, which was now empty, into the nursery. One kit was already slipping out. “IT STARTED. IT’S EARLY.” Emeraldspeck rushed out and came back with herbs and Quartzfur. Quartzfur swiftly comforted her sister, licking her but, in response, Jasperwhisker yowled. Emeraldspeck pushed the first kit to her leader. “Lick it dry.” Quartzfur just did that. The first kitten was an all light gray she-cat kit with pink forepaws, a blak tail, and a small brown part of her ear that resembled Brisksnose’s ear, but with brown splash marks. Another yowl rang out. Jasperwhisker shook.
01.02.2021 16:04
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Another kit slid onto the moss and Brisknose rushed into the den. It was a black and pink patched tom, like in his dream. He stared at it in terror. The kitten meowing loudly, his mew echoing throughout the den. Quartzfur began to lick at it. Two more kits were left. “Well get in here!” She snapped at the deputy, and he hurried into the den. Another kit slipped out, it was a pure white she-cat. Jasperwhisker shook more. Emeraldspeck pushed the third kit towards Brisknose. “Lick.” She immediately turned back to Jasperwhisker. “One kit left.” Jasperwhisker pushed as hard as she could. At last, a black tom was pink stripes - which oddly resembles Shadowleg’s own scars - came out. “It’s not mewing.” Jasperwhisker shot up. The medicine cat she-cat came over and started to lick the kit. When it was all dry, she sniffed it and put her ear up to it’s chest. She turned over to the queen and slowly shook her head. Jasperwhisker teared up. “Is it dead?”
01.02.2021 16:05
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The den grew silent. It seemed as if the dead kitten’s siblings knew of what was happening as they drank their milk. Brisknose was the only one to speak up. “The loss of a kit is the loss of a warrior.” Jasperwhisker began to sob, her sides heaving. Quartzfur cried too, and nuzzled Brisknose. “I shall report the death to the Clan tomorrow morning…” Brisknose’s gaze fell on the black and pink patched tom and growled silently. Jasperwhisker sniffled and licked the deceased kitten, “This tom… His name is Plaugekit…” “Perfect choice…” Sniffled Quartzfur. Jasperwhisker turned the the pure white kit, “This is Snakekit,” She licked her head, then the she-kit that resemble Brisknose the most, “Dangerkit” She turned to the fake father, “I’ll have you name the last one.” Brisknose growled as all of the insulting names ran through his mind. “Vixen Kit.” “Like a fox?” Mewed Quartzfur in surprise. Like it’s fox-hearted father. He thought. “It just suits it.”
01.02.2021 16:05
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“If you say so…” Jasperwhisker licked the kitten. It was the largest in the litter. Brisknose couldn't take being in the same room with the kit any longer. He turned and walked towards the den entrance. Quartzfur followed, holding her head down. When they were out, Brisknose was silent as he trotted swiftly over to the warrior’s den. “Are you okay?” “That kit, Vixenkit.” He looked up at his leader. “That’s the black and pink kit in my dream.” “But… It’s just a kit… It can’t do anything?” “But it can when it grows older.” “Right… But for now we can stop it. We can raise Vixenkit to be a well warrior.” The tom shivered. “We can never let these kits meet their real father.” “I know… That’s the plan…”
01.02.2021 19:21
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Chapter 21:
07.02.2021 15:42
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Cute! cute! cute!
12.02.2021 03:17
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07.02.2021 15:42
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