Chapter 21 - Warrior's Thunder


01.02.2021 19:22

01.02.2021 19:24

Chapter 21
It was dawn, yet the cats were stirring in their old territory. Blacklion was holding a piece of a twoleg nest in his mouth, moving it over to a pile where they put the fallen pieces of the nests. Specklepaw was small, and was filling up the cracks of the walls. She sniffed.
The big black and ginger tom turned around. “Yes?”
“Do you smell strangers too?”
He ducked his head and put his nose to the ground. “Maybe it’s just some loners that happened to pass by.”
“Are you sure?” The small apprentice frowned.
“I’m su-” He was cut off as he heard pawsteps coming from the bushes that faced the non-wrecked twoleg place.
Specklepaw swifty ran out to the sound.
“Who’s there?!”
A dark gray tom and a plump gray tabby she-cat with a white under belly and paws, and pale green eyes, stepped out of the bushes. Specklepaw looked at her for a moment.
“Stranger? Mom?”

Mangledstar turned around from where he was moving drowned prey remains. He walked over. “Who are these cats?”
“My mom and… I don’t know…” She squinted at the tom.
The tom dipped his head. “My name is Crow.”
“You’re a kittypet too?”
“Yes. I live with my sister, Shadow, and near our friend, Dirt.”
“Wow! I’ve met them before!”
Gingerfur bristled as she and her brother, Rustyear, walked out from a twoleg nest. “What are kittypets doing here?” go
“We need to warn you. A rogue group completely ruined this place while you were gone.” Midget sighed.
Mangledstar pricked his ears. “Like Platy, Bracken, and Fern?”
“No. Worst. They have prisoners from what I’ve eavesdropped.”
“What did the prisoners look like?” The big tom was worried, for his deputy hadn't come back.
“I haven’t seen them… But they said some names… Ohh! I can’t remember!” The plump cat shook her head, “Can you, Crow?”
The tom sat down and squinted up to the sky as he thought. “All I heard was stuck thorn, mushed eyes, and tumble bird.”

“Mushroomeye?” Specklepaw guessed.
“Yes!” Midget nodded eagerly.
“Are you guys really believing them?” Gingerfur eyed the kittypets.
“Why wouldn’t I? One of them is my mom.”
“They could be working with those suppositive rogues.
“Are you questioning my help?” Midget asked.
“Maybe I am.” Gingerfur shot back, puffing out her chest.
Midget growled, “Sugar. HONEY, they gave me this nasty scar!” She showed her side, it was battered up, “I’m not working with them.”
“I really don’t think we-” Crow was cut off as the she-cat continued arguing. Rustyear put his tail on Crow’s shoulder.
“Hey! Let him speak!” Squeaked Specklepaw.
Gingerfur glared at the apprentice as she bit back a retort.
“I really don’t think we should be here. You guys either. I think they move around, but we can never be sure where they are. They could be listening to us right now.”
“We’ll stay on guard.” Croaked Berryeye.
Crow flicked his ear. “I guess we can stay and help.”
“Yes!” Midget purred.

Time passed on and the sun started to set. Stormpaw was sitting by Berryeye. “Was our Clan always called Fadedclan?”
“Oh no!~ Surely you heard of Beachclan~” She chuckled warmly.
The tom shook his head.
“Well, before Fadedclan was a thing, it was Beachclan… We lived on the beach at the edge of the lake… Our territory used to be full of people until one day, they left…” She sighed, “It was the deputy of Troutstar, the last Beachclan leader, Fadingripple who brought us to this place, as it was unsafe to live at Beachclan… However, some stayed, and drowned due to the storms, or ran away… Many joined us…”She flickered his tail, “Flutterstar was only your age during the move to Fadedclan.”
“Really?!” The tom asked.
“Were you a warrior or an apprentice?”
“I was a warrior...”
“What was Beachclan like?”
“It was a bit hard… The territory was small, it was hard to make dens that would stay… Sand would get everywhere.”
“I bet it was hard getting sand out of your claws.”

“It was… We used scales and small rocks.” She laughed heartily, “I ripped off a claw trying to get sand out of my claws by using a rock… Let’s say the Beachclan medicine cat didn’t like that.”
Stormpaw laughed as Mangledstar walked over. “We can go visit the territory if you want.”
“You still know the way?”
Mangledstar nodded. “I grew up there.”
“I know, it’s been a while however.”
“We should go now, before it’s dark.” Mangledstar said, signaling with his tail towards the beach. Berryeye began to follow, and looked at Stormpaw.
“How old are you again?”
“9 moons.”
“You’re very close to Specklepaws age… Tell me, are you two close?”
He looked back at the elder. “What do you mean?”
“Are ya two good friends?”
“I mean we’re good friends, yes. Maybe not best friends.”
“I suggest you get close to her, as if you ever make it to elderhood… You’ll want bestfriend.” She chuckled.

“Why’s that?”
“It gets boring with no one… Especially if you aren’t from the same age range.”
“But she’s still my friend.”
“I know, I’m just saying.”
The ground crunched under their paws as the grass turned into sand. The sand was wet. Broken small dens could still be seen.
“This brings back so much…” Berryeye sniffled.
Nightfur padded around. She then pointed to some scattered leaves with her tail. “That was the old camp.”
“Yup…” Berryeye glanced up at a high tree, “There's the highrock… Inside was a hollow branch, which was the leader's den…”
There was a dip in the sand. “This is where the prey was kept.” Cocktail added.
“Yup.” Berryeye pointed to a much bigger hole, covered by plants on top of it, “That was the apprentice den.”
Mangledstar sat down, looking across the lake as the light of the setting sun shone on it. Berryeye followed, “This was our food source.” A thin sheet of ice blanketed on top of the misty blue water, “I doubt there are any fish here right now…”

“Well, it’s the middle of leaf-bare. This small sheet of ice will soon be covered in snow. It snowed about a week ago, and it melted pretty fast.”
“I know… I am old but I’m not mouse-brained.”
Mangledstar only replied with a flick of his ear. Berryeye sighed and turned to the old medicine cat den.
Stownpaw flicked a crooked ear as he sneezed a cobweb off of his nose.
“Get these webs to Nighttail… I’m sure she’ll like this…”
The apprentice nodded, running off to find the black she-cat.