10.04.2021 17:31
LinkName: Redeyes
Gender: Male
Desc: Kind, funny, shy, perverted
How we met: In the restroom and he opened the door when it was locked.
What he does when I see him: He usually shows up in my room when I'm either changing or in bed trying to sleep. He talks to me and comforts me but he hasn't come in a few months so I'm worried about him.
10.04.2021 17:35
LinkName: Unknown
Gender: Assuming a male
Desc: Creepy, angry,& confused.
How we met: Opened my door at midnight sniffing around my room as if he were looking for something
What he does: He usually just comes into my room and scratches/sniffing around my stuff, trying to find something. Sometimes he'll look at me and start walking towards me and sniffs at me and sometimes tries to bite me.
10.04.2021 17:40
LinkName: Kitchen Ghost/ Cral
Gender: Female
Desc: A bit creepy, just stands by my counter with no face.
How we met: I was going upstairs to get a drink and I saw her. I also see her in dark bathrooms in my house.
What she does: Stands by my counter or in my shower.
10.04.2021 17:42
LinkName: Black-Rats
Gender: None
Desc: Freaky and mean
How we met: They always creep around and follow me when it's dark/night-time
What they do: They scratch at my body if I'm up past 2am and if I'm walking around at midnight they folow me to my bedroom