The Most Dificult Drawing Ever
26.11.2021 19:44
LinkAfter 10 hours of struggle, pain, stress, effort. I finally made a drawing, I probably couldn’t even finished with it. That’s why stig helped me. Idk if it’s the most detailed eye or, I need a break…
26.11.2021 19:47
LinkPlus I hade struggle doing my second time blurring in the eye
26.11.2021 19:58
LinkIt’s was a lot of drawing gotta say
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i do understand sometimes im not saying things in a nice way, so heres the more positive way of what i mean:
This art looks nice, but I can't tell what it really is, maybe just one eye could've been drawn and detailed as much as you tried detailing the multiple eye effect. In my opinion, it looks a little messy, and the highlights are a little everywhere. You are doing very well, just need a bit more improvement!