The last hope chapter 1
06.02.2021 15:24
LinkHe could feel the rain the doors remained shut but all the people knew it wasn’t going to be easy declaring war in mayhem territory, but they knew it was time “guys....... ITS TIME”
He ran in front of the door as soon as it opened meeting the beast that killed his family
All the people knew he couldn’t face a mayhem level tian by himself
He launched into the air the the MAYHEM sprang toward him a collision caused by the impact of him and the mayhem left everyone in his army dead except for him
He had no choice....... but he would come back he retreated
A vouched he would slay the beast one day
06.02.2021 15:27
LinkAfter a long period of walking he could feel his legs trembling a collision like that made him tired he needed to rest
But he couldn’t afford to get eaten by a beast
He would live on and kill that beast one day....... he ran as he heard a escape port center he ran maybe his war was not to an end but maybe it was