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Can we talk about l❤️ve? (
01.12.2021 00:46
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Lmt, please.
01.12.2021 00:47
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My whole classes are ignoring me just because they’ve got a boy or a girl. I’m the only one who doesn’t though, and I am in the middle school. Honestly love is separating my bsfs from me, so they’re getting lovesick.
01.12.2021 00:49
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Now let’s talk about two boys who are in all of my classes. I met this boy earlier in the year, who’s name I will not mention, who I wanted to be friends with. Until another boy came up to me the day after and said “Hey [deadname], you can’t be friends with him because I already am.” But now, they won’t part, and they’ve been getting very d!try together. They talk about having s€x and go to the bathroom together. I feel something wrong with them, and I feel the need to tell the principal!
01.12.2021 00:53
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Now about one of my bsfs. Lately she’s been blushing when she got back in the room. Like really hard. And I gave her a sticky note saying, “hey, you walked in the room blushing, what happened? Did you see [deadname] again?” Now a few weeks before she’d told me that she likes a boy, who, again, name I will not tell, but now she’s lovesick for him and keeps doing the 👁 ❤️ U to him. I hate it. At lunch I was giving her a serious lecture about how I see through that weird boy and I know he’ll betray her at any moment, I mean, in the second grade (yes she was in my elementary school too) there was a rumor in the school saying she loved ANOTHER boy, and the same things she did to him, she did to the boy. Anyway, at lunch when I was giving her the lecture, she couldn’t help staring and blushing and squinting her eyes. I told her, “stop! Stop please! Soon you’ll never ever be able to part from that stupid, stupid, boy!”
01.12.2021 00:55
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Now to talk about me. About that same girl, I gave her a little venting sticky note saying these exact words: “Everyone loves SOMEONE…then what about me?” Yes, it’s because I haven’t found anyone to like. But I do have feelings that certain people like me. Remember those two boys I talked about? The one who I am friends with stares at me a lot and when I look at him he looks away. Why!? I hope someone sees this, please don’t like, this is a vent, thanks very much ❤️ you guys are great supporters.
26.12.2021 18:41
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Hey, If you ask me, love life sucks because once you get together and it might be your best one, your always going to have to break up in the end, and that will break your heart very much Also mabey those boys like you cuz UwU they were staring at YOUUUUU UwU but there are many types of ways to use love, like.. I bet you have many friends that all love you! As a friend... And you family loves you! You already have so many people in your life that loves you so why care about getting a boyfriend or girlfriend? Just think about all the good things in your life and about you like... Your such a very talented artist!!! Your art is amazing and I bet you will get famous for it one day like my family always tells me but I doubt I will, but there are so many good things about you that makes you to good for a boyfriend or girlfriend! You don't have to care about what other people think because that's their opinion, you can be single and proud, and when you RO get a boyfriend or a girlfriend make sure that they won't
26.12.2021 18:42
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Break your heart, make sure their the one! And if they do break your heart then grab you trusty metal bat, and if you don't have one get your most overprotective family member or friend to beat the shart outta them OvO
26.12.2021 18:43
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So a lot of people love you but you just might not notice it yet! Don't give up on it Kay?
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