Civil Rights
Mercy or Genocide? Comment
thepapersandwich as an avatar
28.06.2020 01:19
LinkStop diagnosing yourself with depression,
if you think you have it, get a therapist,
that's the only thing I can say.
Don't say you 'CUT' everyday if you lie, like, that's sick,
People that do this are disgusting
Don't worry I don't!
In fact I don't even lie about having depression!
Cause why should I lie about about having depression
when I don't?
It's dumb I don't want a anyone getting the wrong idea
sure I might vent but it's not because of 'depression '
it's gust because I'm gust very sad at the moment
also don't joke about suicide or say "I'm gonna kill my self" heh...
That can get you to jail!
And nobody wants that... Not even your family *hopefully*
It you truly get abused by your family tell adult!
But Don't lie about being abused that's gust messed up
*so I Totally agree with you*