yoojin is immature & childish.


21.06.2020 11:12
Linkokay, i wouldn't normally be involved in drama like this but i just wanted to put my opinion out.
And yes, i know i wouldn't post normally something like this because i feel like i'm attention seeking, but this is not the point and that's my problem
i want to focus on Yoojin
to be honest, he has been called out before and i have seen it, but didn't care enough since i was too lazy to unfollow him
but now, i have seen the child inside of yoojin, the immaturity, the lazyness, the stupidness, and so on.
yes, i'm just giving out insults but i'm going to try my best to be objective
yoojin is someone that tries attention seeking by making a decent redraw of a random image on the internet with not much effort, and reuploading it multiple times thinking he's cool and funny
he's pretty much attention seeking at this point with his comments and stuff, you can see the immaturity and the childish personality with his attitude and the way he acts.
so, yoojin, not much people like you since we found out who you are

21.06.2020 11:12
Linkand i know you're seeing this
so don't be a coward, go comment, and i'm going to let you know i won't delete anything. Not this post, not this comment, not any comments that come here
if your comment is deleted, i will finally see that you're coward
so please, stop being childish and immature and actually prove your point with something objective, and without it being deleted so we can see your point of view
and i'm going to be honest, if you actually pull out something good i might not see you as bad anymore, but you probably won't since i have seen enough of you acting like this.
so, rant's done, it's your turn now to face this.

I totally agree, this goose thing is annoying and he does post the same things a lot so i agree and i bet he wont even comment