Dreams can be like.. Hell...
Testing the new editor
{-Soldier Poet King-}
Valafar waving
Erik is swimming :D
Xenoblast supports a bitch
27.01.2021 19:32
27.01.2021 19:32
LinkOk so before I go into this ⚠️DO NOT ATTACK XENO⚠️. They are just a kid and I wouldn't wanna get anybody hurt so please be sane and do not spam, death threat, or attack xeno (and xeno if you're reading this, people calling u out doesn't count as attacking so just keep that in mind).
Ok so if u know xeno you know that they are a fan of che Guevara. I never really knew who the guy was cause tbh I don't care BUT I do know he was racist and homophobic 😬. I'm not gunna explain a shit ton of stuff he did cause 1st of all I dont have much space and 2nd of all, you have google so use it. Firts thing was his views on black people. He described black people as "those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing.” which to you che sir, I bath every other day like any normal human so that was just racist and false 🙃. Second thing was his views on gay people. He saw them, as I quote " sexual perverts" which ok che don't be throwing aro
27.01.2021 19:33
Linkif u guys have anything on xeno tell me 😳