my apology.....
29.01.2019 21:11
Linki wud like to say srry to pomegranite, pablo, beck and every1 i made fun of and made bad fanart for.... i just wanted to fit in with everyone else... i feel horribl....
im leaving fa forever now... im not coming back... bye..
thank u iaab angrykid and all my friends who supported me..... see you never...
29.01.2019 21:13
Linkmovies cancelled btw....
29.01.2019 21:14
Linkdont leave.its fine
you fit in just right, and those people are being jerks
don;t feel bad for something that you never intended to do, you are in the right and we all care about you
please, please stay, you matter too much to leave, without you, nothing will ever be the same, we love your art, your so nice and kind and amazing AAAaaaaaaa PLEASE
its your decision
i can't stop you from doing what you want, don;t let others hold you back and stop you from doing what you love, always keep drawing what you love and have fun, we'll miss you, you have been wonderful and we will miss you so much. your amazing and i don;t want you to leave, its your choice thought
goodbye, farewell, and enjoy your life, keep drawing and never give up, keep doing what you love
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To be fair Palo you're mean to everyone, everyone knows this.just take the apology and stop the drama instead if causing it or continuing it just say you accept the apology.she shouldn't have to even apologize to you, she is in the right and you're in the wrong. So please just accept the apology instead if making fun of her cause that doesn't solve anything worth Shit.
Like don't be hypocritical about changing, because you still need to change some things too. If you're just gonna sit there like a coward saying how she tries to make people feel bad. But seeing how you said that, you're just making HER feel bad. Like just own up and apologize too cause you aren't doing any helping by saying those things. Just don't be a dick and maybe be nicer towards people. Even to people you barely know. Don't just assume they're always gonna be bad people. People can change you know and she's clearly trying. Just give her the time to rather than making an assumption she isn't. People don't change like a light switch
we've read the hidden message my friend, we appreciate you
and as always take care of urself, we'll be here waiting when you return
we'll see you then <3
I understand your reason for leaving, we're all here for you and hopefully you'll gain the respect you need and should have from other users. If anything bad happens again I'll be there by your side. I truly wish you a great time away. Hopefully you feel better soon, And hopefully you'll come back for another awesome year, and this time a better one. We all wish you peace and luck, and if someone says otherwise, they shall not be responsive and keep their opinions to themselves. I hope you will come and join us back again once you feel better. Just remember, that you matter and whoever makes fun of you or puts you down like this, someone will get back up to them, meaning they shouldn't ever matter to you. We love you, stay safe, positive vibes, Goodluck -EthanBean