never too busy to answer Qs (:
22.01.2020 11:38
Linkhow do u draw so good how just how jesus teach me
22.01.2020 11:39
Linkto be sspecific- how are ur proportions so good- like in faces, anatomy, timing
22.01.2020 11:48
Linki get plenty of time off from my wonderful Job at [REDACTED], which i am then able to spend on leisure activities, such as 'making art' (: as long as it is not at the expense of my productivity at and dedication to my wonderful Job at [REDACTED] of course! (:
thank You and have a nice day (:
22.01.2020 11:50
Linkoh ok thx for replying :DD
22.01.2020 11:51
LinkYou are welcome!
thank You and have a nice day (:
i was chosen to represent [REDACTED] on flipanim by our marKeting depaRtment to appeal to young, creatIve, hard-working youngsTers thAt might want to join our wonderful team someday (:
i may not (directly) name any companies and/or their products or services as i am not affiliated with them, but the program i primarily use was free! so no loss in *capital* for me ;)
thank you and have a nice day (: