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Chapter 5 - Warrior's Thunder
26.01.2021 02:39
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Chapter 5 Applepaw was happily strutting across the tree bridge to where they held the gatherings. This was the first time that he got to go to one, since being the only apprentice meant doing all of the apprentice chores. Badgerpaw jumped onto the tree bridge. He fell down though, and grabbed Applepaw, dragging him into the sandy water down below. “AHHHHH.” Applepaw landed with a splash in the water. He scrambled to the pebbly shore. He then flopped down onto the grass, breathing heavily, as he slowly got up again. He shook himself and turned around to face the gray tom, hissing. Badgerpaw was just getting out of the water, his pelt dragging him. His pelt was so long it dragged in the sand. “Ah,” he shrugged, and licked his pelt, “Sorry, you were in my way.” He snickered. He growled and unsheathed his claws. “So you decided to drag me down with you? I could have drowned!” “You’re overreacting” He amusedly twitched his tail, “The water is only up to our chest!”
26.01.2021 02:40
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He growled again, folded his ears and lashing his tail. He laughed, “C’moon,” He nudged him, you won’t break a truce?” “Maybe if somecat hadn't ruined my first gathering.” he took a threatening step towards Badgerpaw. Badgerpaw got into a player crouch, “Breaking a warrior code over a simple mistake?” He giggled, and jumped back on the log, shaking his tail in a taunt. He growled in anger and bared his teeth. He launched himself at the gray, soggy tom. “Help!” He cried out, almost joking, “A cat is killing me!” He went and rolled on his back. He jumped back at Badgerpaw, clawing his side. Flutterstar’s hiss echoed through the gathering, “APPLEPAW!” She yelled out sternly. He folded his ears and tucked his tail in his legs and looked at his leader. Hivestar joined, lashing her tail, “BADGERPAW!” Now, all of the gathering were looking at them, and many snickered just by their wet pelts.
26.01.2021 02:41
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Applepaw walked over to where Meadowclan was sitting and sat down. He had his head down in shame. He didn’t dare look up at his leader or up at any cat, even if they were other Meadowclan cats. Badgerpaw grumbled out something and sat down. A sigh came out of Hivestar, she looked at Flutterstar, and apologized briefly. “I’m sorry for the disturbance from my apprentice. He’ll get punishment soon. Now isn't the time… This is the gathering… Flutterstar, do you have any new warriors, kits, anyone?” Her ears flickered. Flutterstar started to think. “Well, this is the first time that our only apprentice, Applepaw, had come to a gathering. Sunfur and Lionkit are doing well. The only other thing is that we have a new queen, Amberface. Her mate is Shadownose.”
26.01.2021 02:41
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Hivestar flickered her ear and smiled, “That’s very nice… Leafclan has been doing well too, our surplus of honey is still high, but recently a few of our hives have died.” She smiled, “We have kits too, Dustkit and Mintkit, and have a new queen as well, Whitesnow.” She looked at Mangledstar, “How’s your Clan?” “Well,” he began, “Our territory is flooded because of the storm, but we are temporarily living with Crystal clan. None of our cats have died, thankfully. Berryeye has become an elder, sadly, but she has proven herself to be a wonderful warrior.” He stepped back, signaling Quartzfur that it was her turn to speak. Quartzfur sighed, “Rubystar is lost,” A small ripple of soft mummers went through the crowd below, but the white cat kept going, “I’ll be hosting as Crystalclan’s leader until she’s back. Tonight I’ll be going to the Star-” She was stopped by some loud sniffing.
26.01.2021 02:42
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“Now,” Hivestar began, “Whoever's doing tha-” Suddenly, a corgi jumped out into the clearing. Cats hiss, ran, some even tried to attack. But the corgi just simply howled, and barked, even baring its teeth sometimes. Willowdusk, Sleekshine, and Teddypelt padded over to the dog. “Oh, shut up!” Willowdusk meowed, slapping the corgi in the face. They started to seem like the She-cats were talking to it, but all that the other cats just heard them barking to the dog. Teddypelt hissed, and batted the dog's muzzle. “AWOOOOOOOOO.” The dog cried out, and laid down in what seemed to be defeat. “Serves you right.” Teddypelt groomed her fluffed up pelt. Willowdusk in dog, “Come on man, what are you even doing here? Why aren’t you at the twoleg’s house.” She sat down and flickered her ear in annoyance. Mosspaw, horrified, and his mouth agape leaned over to his mentor, “Emeraldspeck,” He looked back, and Teddy pelt was scolding the dog too, in dog, “Are they okay?”
26.01.2021 02:42
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“I’m not sure…” she said, not looking away from the she-cats and the Corgi. Her hackles were raised, and she had folded her ears back. Everybody was silent. Teddypelt’s eyes strained, keeping her focus on the corgi, almost every twitch was a threat. She opened her mouth, but then rang out a hiss when the corgi stood up again, in all of it’s chubby glory. “Now go back to home, Drake.” Sleekshine said in dog, too. The dog whined and winced in a protest, but he simply gave up. With his tail between his legs, he simply walked away to where a blond twoleg was calling him. “Wow.” Quartzfur breathed. The young Twoleg was calling angrily at Drake. The three she-cats looked longingly at the Twoleg. Tedypelt joined briefly, her eyes almost seemed glazed over. She was unmoving like a rock until a small meow came out of the crowd. “Wow~” Said a small apprentice, “You… Spoke to it.”
26.01.2021 02:42
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“Wow~” Said a small apprentice, “You… Spoke to it.” Willowdusk and Sleekshine walked back to the crowd sadly. They sat down and hung their heads. Teddypelt joined in, but her head was cocked upwards. No one said anything. The most the cats did was glance at each other, in what seemed to be a silent communication. “Should we… Send a patrol to sneak after the dog? Just in case there's more dogs?” Quartzfur stepped up “No…” Teddypelt sighed. Sleekshine looked up. “There’s only one, and once it goes inside, it doesn’t usually come back out. Teddypelt nodded, “I doubt he’d attack again…” She paused to glance over, but the twoleg and Drake way gone, “Let's just.. Get this gathering over with.” “Anyway, it’s your turn, Quartzfur.” Mangledstar said, looking at the she-cat. Quartzfur fur was all the way fluffed out. Her whiskers twitched and quivered as she nodded. Swiftly, she got on top of the large branch, which was easy.
26.01.2021 02:43
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“As I was saying,” She sighed and began to explain in a chattering, fast nature, “My mom, Rubystar went missing during the storm, and if she isn’t back by moon high tonight, I’ll take place as leader and go to the Starclan Crystal.” She paused to take a breather, and began to explain a less swift manner. “I believe we have no more new apprentices, warriors or kits n’ queens, but we do have a new elder: Blackwhisker. We’re about to have a new medicine cat… Mosspaw is close to finishing.” She fluttered her tail, “AND, our Clan is good after the storm.” Flutterstar nodded. “Seeing that no one else has anything to say, this Gathering is done.” She and Mangledstar jumped off of the tree limbs and off of the Great Rock. Quartzfur followed easily, and Hivestar struggled a tad, her bones didn’t work the way they used to.
26.01.2021 03:59
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Chapter 6:
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