

14.03.2021 07:28
LinkI'm currently writing an apology.
If you remember any big drama I was in please comment below, for this apology will take me ~3 days to write? And there's a lot I need to apologise for.

14.03.2021 07:29
LinkI'm only including FA drama (IDK what out of FA's drama I've been in)
Plus I'd prefer for it to be in chronological order, so please give me a (somewhat) date.

14.03.2021 07:29
LinkAnyone can comment.

i don’t remember except for the time you and your followers canceled me for copying your vent art (im still sorry)

ok ignore this chain
I'm linking anims with art of drama that I was in.

Around this time I made a discord server
Where we would like
Admins would abuse their powers
and there was one person in the server we would always target.
Who is (now my friend) AngryKid.
I'll explain what I did in the apology, but I'm adding this for a reminder to write about it.
This went on for a few months, I think from 2018 june - 2019 january

months passes and at this point I go by the alias Dakota
Dakota was b a d
Dakota said racial slurs </3
ok but fr, I was horrible, I wouldn't say the n-word much but when I did it was
and my god
I hated myself
I tried to be funny and to my friends they laughed cause we said "Dark humor" but it wasn't funny.

I now go by the name Kody
Uhhh looking for drama
So this will be explained more in the apology but
>friend draws porn art of me
>I tell them to stop openly in a server after they said they have my nudes (when they didn't)
>they told a user named beck-o about it
>beck-o tells trin (or maybe user 1 tells her idk,,)
>apparently I became the bad guy
>Get too scared to even get on fa (I lose a lot of friends)
> ._.

Me and a few users harass cal
make a server
and when my friend dave said hey we should stop on of the users got really mad and like
but then we became friends with cal and the user who dipped was like "shid did they replace me" (we didn't)
little do you know this one action will literally destroy me and this user's friendship