toddler me does an offie
Cute Valentines Potato :3
grabby hand
Blossom running loop
1954 whopper
12.12.2020 03:39
Linkalongcameeric-ah whopper so you prefer burger king more then mcdonald so here you go.
alongcameeric gave you the whopper.
alongcameeric-alright sadly there's no beverages meaning no soda so that means cheers.
alongcameeric gave you a fist bump for the cheers as you took a bite on the whopper.
narrator-for a 1954 burger king whopper it taste just a bit bad because it is old and made when burger king was first found then eventually you into an alien and you gave alongcameeric a thumbs up for the whopper taste good but still bad and that whopper made you able to control yourself when becoming an alien meaning that you are still a human while other survivors,soldiers and other people including aliens does not mind you and alongcameeric while the alien decided to stop this and now there is a new alien population along with humans while you and alongcameeric decided to move on and be a good person but technically your an alien still but what about the artifact well that is pretty much useless.
12.12.2020 03:39
LinkEnding 25
Human and Aliens