03.01.2022 23:52
03.01.2022 23:53
LinkFirst i was freezing my ass off waiting for my bus, second ppl were making fun of my stomper clompers, then i had social anxiety attack in gym, then i tripped on my bus stairs
maybe not wear them to school because like,, they're distracting and a hazard to walk in??
shoes like that are for more formal, party type events. when going to school, its more preferable to wear sneakers and such, especially since they're smaller and easier to lift of the ground to sprint.
man i never bring an extra pair of shoes
I just don't stand out
because I'm not an attention whore, nor do I strive for confirmation in my interests or try to be "comfy" with my style
but that's just how I feel
considering its a school environment, the only thing im there for is to do the tests and leave.