Most picked will be next~
08.02.2020 19:43
I am wearing and HP ravenclaw sweatshirt rn!
08.02.2020 19:47
LinkOh cool! I don't really follow Harry Potter, I didn't know Ravenclaw's name was in there~ >w<
I'm doing pictures like this to symbolize the prophecies given to these five wolves~ -->
If you guys want, you can also give me ideas for prophecies, but I'd have to explain them first, or they all won't make sense.
(Ravenclaw) goes onto be the next Beta of Thunder Pack after Teakfur and Goldenpelt are thrown off their platforms. He dies in the middle of a battle trying to save his son. (He was shot through the brain)
(Angelwing) She becomes the unexpected Healer and Beta of Thunder Pack, even though she's a pet. She lives a long life and fixes many problems that were seen as unfixable (Fixing disabilities)
(Blueleaf) He becomes the next Alpha of Thunder Pack once Bluemoon and Pricklewing are dead. His brother dies, and he trains the next Alpha male (Dusty, who is also a pet)
(Blackwing) She becomes the next Alpha Female of Thunder Pack. She sees everybody as equal and she wants to give them all a chance no matter the cost. (Including disables)
Please decide, cause I'm having trouble with this! TwT