=.*.DEAD BY DAWN.*.=
26.06.2019 02:35
Linkit looks better when i drew it on paper
Random Poem:
I saw a figure, it was a wonderful sight,
Something fantastic to see in the dead of the night.
I only saw white at first, the scaly head of a wolf,
Then I saw it's muscular form, it's paws skinned down like a hoof.
A wolf, I though, but without a true head,
Maybe i'm tired, maybe I need a bed.
I stared at the figure in the night,
Neither of us moved, nor felt fright.
I saw dawn creep it way to earth,
Ready to let the world once again feel it's wonderful hearth.
The wolf turned, it looked in fright,
Then turned and ran into it's goddess, the night.
And as the wolf chases the goddess, and night is finally gone,
The wolf always makes sure it's not dead by dawn.
(It's not as good as other poems I have made, (XxSam-The-FurryxX), but I felt a tad bit inspired, your free to delete this if you don't like it though.)