Breakneck Emote


11.11.2019 00:49

11.11.2019 00:50

22.11.2019 22:18
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sorry for not uploading in so long.
this was my biggest project yet.
It has the most frames out of any of my animations [i think]
it was brutal to make it, but also fun at the same time.
i love the result, i think i would do it again

I have a request, if you're that good at animating, may I have bruce leevschuck norris scene done for me? pls? you're just so good I'd love to know how this would turn out.
Not the whole scene, just a few punches would be enough thanks in advance.
You must not have my request fullfiled though, you should it'll be fun both to see and watch. For us both.

did you find a way to manage to have an onion skin layer, or something, of a previously existing video, with all your animations, that you can then copy the frames of that video, onto this website, or something, because I noticed a commonly reoccurring theme in all your animations, that there was an original clip somewhere, and all of your anims have a style, that I feel would work best when making a quick sketch of each frame of a previously existing video.

also, for a lot of the frames in your animations, out of context they would simply look like odd blobs, and I would only understand someone drawing them if they weren't looking at it from a perspective of seeing it as one drawing, per se, but knowing that this silhouette, in the long run, combined with many other silhouettes will look like a fluid animation. I would only understand someone drawing those frames if they knew what would come next. And really, the only way to know what will come next, and how it will all look put together, is having a previously existing video.
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