True scary storytime
06.05.2021 01:32
LinkSo when i was little a lot of paronormal things happened to me but this is not the most weird but i might as well tell it...
06.05.2021 01:38
Linkso when i was little about 5 or 6 i had a crib,at night i would see dancing fruits and bugs on the edge of my crib,they looked cartoonish,but that is for another storytime anyway back to the story,so when i was in kindergaren i started seeing clusters of blue and red dots around my crib and thats not even the creepiest part,the creepiest part was that named them,one of the red dots "Eric"becuase they were flying in the air and "air-ic"anyway and they were ywo different familys,i told everyone at school,they all thought i was crazy,but it still haunts me to this day,but then one night a couple of weeks ago i saw them again,He TaLkEd tO Me
06.05.2021 01:39
Linkit freaks me out