Few announcements shjhsgjsgjgj
10.06.2020 03:07
LinkSo announcement #1. I'm moving accounts. You'll find me on Crazy-world-472. I'll still post on this account. I won't just let it die like my other accounts. But I'll mainly be on Crazy-world-472. Announcement #2. I changed my artstyle a bit. Still the same basic idea. I changed the nose and head shape and now in my artstyle there is multiple eye shapes a character can have based on their personality or how they live their life. For example, Arcadia (AKA me) is sleep deprived because I don't sleep. C:
Announcement #3. Bhjvjibhahivgjvqgudcwugbu. (There's no actual announcement #3. I just wanted to add a 3rd one because it felt right.)
Sooo yeah. See you on my new main acc.
10.06.2020 03:11
LinkHi me
10.06.2020 03:11
LinkOh hey there me