- create flipbook animations online!
18.12.2019 18:36
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My head hurt and everything felt numb when I woke up. I felt like I couldn't move. It was hard to open my eyes but once I did I really wish I never had. We were back in the base, but.. it was restored, like nothing had happened. The lights were back on, the floors were squeaky clean. I would have pinched myself to make sure this wasn't a nightmare if I could, but I was tied up. I glanced to my sides and sure enough, Gianna, Fauna and Markus were bound and still asleep from the Musharna gas. I don't know why I was the only one to wake up, but I was. I don't know how anyone did this so fast, but, they did. We had been put in one of the cells. There was nothing in there but us, and the only thing we could see otherwise was the space directly outside of the glass wall. I snarled and attempted to shake out of the rope, but they were tight and my hands were fixed together by the twine. Listen, being tied up is kinky and I'm all for it, but no consent? Phah. Scummy. I was about to consider biting my wa
18.12.2019 18:36
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way to freedom before I noticed movement outside of our cell and I looked up. Sure enough, Salad stood there, grinning. She studied me carefully. "Good to see you're awake, Brandt! We were wondering when one of you would wake up." She said, cackling, "We've got plans for you four, but we'll wait until you all wake up. Feel free to attempt to escape, though- it'll be fun to see you struggle!" She whipped her tail and purposefully hit the glass, then walked off. The bang shook Markus awake, thankfully. "H..huh.. what..?" He babbled, "Where am I...?" I turned to him. "We're in the Beast Brigade base. Apparently they had restored it within like, a day.." "What?!" Markus said, writhing a bit in his bonds. I think he then realized just how much he was stuck there. We couldn't even really get up, and we weren't very close to each other, so helping each other get free was out of the picture. Markus and I quickly decided to try and wake up Gianna and Fauna. I was able to reach my leg over and tr
18.12.2019 18:36
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try to nudge Fauna awake, but Markus had to try and yell at Gianna for her to wake up. Gianna was up pretty quick, but I was half convinced she was going to go back to sleep from how tired she looked. She groaned and started opening her eyes, which was when Markus left her alone. Him shouting seemed to shake Fauna awake, too. She was fine for a second but as soon as she figured out she couldn't move, she freaked out, which made all of us jump. I was about to try and comfort her, and Gianna looked like she was about to do the same, before I noticed something off. Her hands and eyes were glowing blue. Before I had time to react, in a mini burst of blue light she had broken out of the rope. Gianna and I sat in awe, but Markus seemed worried more about her panicking than whatever in the blue (ha) hell just happened. Fauna curled up as soon as she had broken out of the rope and was shaking. We all tried to comfort her as best as we could with the space we were given, but it didn't work to well. We
18.12.2019 18:37
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just kind of let her be until she calmed herself down, but it was hard to watch. As soon as she calmed down, she turned to Gianna and started untying her without a word. When she was freed, she turned to Markus and started untying him. I heard her whisper to him and he shook his head. Fauna turned to me and started untying me. I wondered if I should say anything, but when I opened my mouth to speak Markus looked over and shook his head. I understood and stayed quiet. "Thanks.." I said quietly. "You'll be okay, right?" Fauna hesitated before speaking. "Y-yeah.." I got up and looked at the glass. Gianna did the same. I think we both had the same thought. "There's a reason they tied us up instead of just throwing us in here.." Gianna said. I nodded. "The glass isn't strong enough. The glass we used before was practically unbreakable, but it was expensive. All the glass enclosures were broken in the police raid.." I narrowed my eyes. "They couldn't have had the funds to buy the same glass.
18.12.2019 18:37
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And I know for sure they don't have the materials to make it." Me and Gianna looked to each other. While doing so I searched my hoodie pockets for my Pokeballs, but they were gone. I groaned. "Does anyone have their Pokemon?" I asked, and after a second of everyone patting their pockets to try and feel for them, everyone shook their heads. I looked back to the glass. "Okay, stand back." "Edmund?" Markus asked. "Don't you dare." "Would you rather wait for whatever that thing has planned for us?" They all fell quiet. I sighed and stepped back a bit. "Let's hope this goes well.." I muttered. As soon as I felt like I was far back enough I broke into a sprint and rammed into the glass wall, and, as predicted, it shattered into a million pieces. Somehow I managed to make it out unharmed. They all seemed impressed as they walked out, carefully stepping over the broken glass. When we all looked to see which way we needed to go to leave, Markus noticed a special someone standing outside the ne
18.12.2019 18:38
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nearest exit. "U-uh, guys?" He stuttered. We all glanced over to where he was looking, and it felt like a beat dropped. Salad was waiting at the end of the hall with the Nihilego. "Run." Gianna said quickly before she dashed off, and everyone quickly followed. Nobody stopped when Salad roared and stomped after us. Every step of hers seemed to shake the whole ground and slowed us down, but no matter how much it felt like that we didn't falter. "WE'RE GOING TO RIP YOU LOT TO SHREDS!!" She boomed behind us, making Gianna flinch. I glanced over to the redhead- she was struggling to keep up. I mini-panicked before I heard a bark in the distance. Otto! "Oh my god, our Pokemon!" I exclaimed. I felt like any fatigue I just had faded as soon as I heard him bark. "I think they're up ahead!" Fauna was a bit farther ahead of us and could see our Pokemon stuck in an enclosure. I don't think they realized they could break out. "Break the glass!" She exclaimed, and a few seconds later Otto came bar
18.12.2019 18:38
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barreling out. The rest of our Pokemon leaped through the hole to join him, and Salad came to a sudden stop. She knew she was outnumbered. She lowered her head as she grumbled. But we didn't move. "Oh, we really, really hate you all.." She said lowly, taking a step back. "You just never give up, do you?.. Whatever. You'll all die regardless." We prepared for a fight when the Nihilego caught up with Salad and cooed. But before anything could happen I spotted a shadow above us. The next thing we all knew Salad was launched into the glass next to her head-first, and a familiar face had appeared. Well, to me, maybe not to Fauna and Markus. "Prairie!?" I exclaimed. The Brelamo-o looked back to me and huffed. "Go! I can deal with her!" The others didn't waste a second to return their Pokemon and escape, but I hesitated. I had a feeling that Prairie couldn't deal with her on his own. I was tugged by the hoodie by Gianna, and was forced away.
18.12.2019 18:38
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18.12.2019 18:42
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i love your stories keep up the good work
18.12.2019 18:42
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EDMUND USED HIMSELF AS A BATTERING RAM, I'M- I love this chapter so much aa The way you write feels all just like internal dialogue as everything's happening around the reader/pov
18.12.2019 18:45
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i ****ing love your writing I'm hfvsytfv <3
18.12.2019 18:47
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Props to you man, I couldn't write to save my life
18.12.2019 20:52
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HNGBB you honestly inspire me to write
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