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A little heads up for lilblock
26.02.2021 08:23
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So yea uh Dude i need you to step off, like please- Your being really annoying, and it's not funny. You've said and shown me things, that i don't think a person with or even without my Kind of psyche, Would be pleased if they had seen or heard any of it. Your just being a literal ass, And a huge jerk. Also fyi, telling someone who struggles with mental issues to go and commit suicide isn't funny, brave or, Whatever the **** your 12 year old mind thinks it is. It's irrational, And Rude. Idc if it was a joke you don't say that to a person who's considered it and at one point in life wanted to go through with it. It's so ****ing messed up and mean, Like imagine if your mom or family said that to you. Another thing is,the fact is that Your unarguably Fake about the whole situation at hand. I'll spoon feed it to you so you understand.
26.02.2021 08:23
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I broke up with you again cuz you made me uncomfortable and I've already explained to you why. But yet when we got back together you, Pushed the boundaries until what you did on the whiteboard, I said it was ok because i didn't want to upset you and get into an argument. Because my anxiety kicks in when drama sprouts, And at that point i was already sick at my stomach feeling like i was gonna ****ing throw up because, of the shit you showed me. And it made me uncomfortable as ****. I felt violated and I didn't want to feel that at all, i don't think that in a "loving relationship" Yours supposed to feel violated or scared. But that's how i felt. So i ended the train of sickness, by leaving the whiteboard and not talking to you. Then the next day, you posted that you were leaving, And i decided that was my chance to end things, so i did. Then you asked why and i said that i didn't wanna date someone that i can never talk to, Let alone i don't even truly know you. Next topic, Dude your legit just fake
26.02.2021 08:23
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Like The whole time we dated you were mean to everyone but me, When i broke up with you the first time then told you why, You were good for a literal millisecond then you brought it back up and started being a ass again, I dated you again because i felt bad and i asked why you were being so mean to me, But not my friends, And your reply was "I have anger issue's" Ok dude whatever you say. And now here you are again being rude, so yea that just about sums it up, i really just want you to leave me alone ok? thanks.
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