"I thought so"?


03.05.2019 21:14

03.05.2019 21:14
LinkBut lady you about to die here

Hi! I recently traded a character for two of your 'characters.' I tracked down the images here. I want to make sure you traded out these arts to a person that goes by Cyberstake on TH and DA. They say they adopted them. The two below are the ones that I now own from the trade. Wanted to verify with you. They say the received from a friend named, Ava.

Again, I was lied to and came here to assess the situation. I now now that and of course, will not use them in any way. I'm an adult and will act like one and will ask everyone here to be mature. I don't know how anyone is mixing me up with cyberstake because I had nothing to do with any deceit or malpractise.

Hello this is Angie.
The one called Cyberstake on Toyhouse.
You all were apart of a Social experiment. My friend Auggy was a art tracer AND stealer. I wanted to teach her not to steal other’s works so I took some of the stuff she stole and put it on my DeviantArt. Many people noticed and will receive points for helping deal with this. If you are angry with me for not asking you to join the experiment I will give you points and a custom.