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Chapter 2 - Warrior's Thunder
26.01.2021 01:01
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Chapter 2 Nighttail was quick to follow the deputy. She sighed as she strided her side, her body squishing against the narrow halls. “Willowdusk,” her voice echoed against the cave walls, “what are you doing?” Her tail twitched, “Because if you’re going to cause some problems, let me join.” She smirked a tad. “Oh, who? Me? I’m just having an look around. No point in staying in one place if this is going to be our temporary home.” They popped out into another cave. It smelled horrid. “Ugh, found the dirtplace.” She walked into another cave. Nighttail revolted and scrunched up her face, “Oh Starclan… Do they even clean the dirtplace?” She took a step back and began to walk again through the narrow halls, “Let’s see if they have any presentable rooms that’s not filled with crystals that blind my eyes.” They came to another room. “It smells like the leader’s room.” She walked around, looking at everything. She heard pawsteps. “Hide!” she grabbed her scruff and hid behind a boulder.
26.01.2021 01:01
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Jasperwhisker padded into the room, with Qaurtzfur in tow. They both seemed to relish in the smell of their missing mother’s scent. Quartzfur laid in a ball in Rubystar’s old nest. “Next moonhigh,” Jasperwhisker started, “You’ll become leader…” She nuzzled her sister, who didn’t seem as distraught. “Yeah ye-” She attentively sniffed the air, “do you smell that?” Willowdusk held her breath as she hoped that she and Nighttail wouldn’t be found out. She curled up as small as she could. She was happy that she and Nighttail were both black, or at least mostly black cats. Willowdusk tried to look as black as possible. “No. Get some rest, crazy cat.” She gently battered Quartzfur down to the nest. Quartzfur hissed but did went to sleep, pouting like a sulky apprentice. Nighttail held her breath and began to speed back to the Fadedclan cave.
26.01.2021 01:02
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Willowdusk had waited till she was sure that she was asleep, and raced back to the cave as fast as she could, and snuck in without any cat noticing her. She breathed a sigh of relief. Nighttail flopped onto a pile of moss. “Willowdusk.” She began, “That. That was TOO close. Let's never try to do that again….” She sighed loudly, and looked pretty tired. Her eyes were begging for sleep. “Fine. Let’s get some sleep. But I feel like there’s more to this mountain than Quartzfur will let us see.” She fell asleep.
26.01.2021 01:10
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*** Corktail padded next to Russetfur, and pushed her gently to wake her up. It was hard to tell if it was day or night in the caves, but a little small ray of early sunrise trinkled through the cracks and into the cave. “Russetfut, wake up, an apprentice is offering you extra food.” She woke up. “Wha- huh? Oh, ok.” she got up, stretched, and sat back down again. She looked around. A gray apprentice with black ears and brown eyes put down a bird. “Hi, I’m Treepaw.” He pushed the bird towards her. “Well,” Corktail nuzzled his mate, “Thank you, Treepaw. You’re a good soul… Russetfur only had half of a small mouse last night…” “Yes, thank you Treepaw” she said, eating the bird. Treepaw nodded and started to pad away. Willowdusk woke up with a yawn and a stretch. She stood up and shook herself awake. She stuck her muzzle outside of the entrance of the cave that Fadedclan was staying in.
26.01.2021 01:10
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Nighttail was already awake, and at a stream drinking some water. She cocked her head up to look at Willowdusk. “Good morning.” She stretched and walked over to her, “I didn’t see you wake up.” She sat down. “That’s ‘cause I just got up.” She walked out of the cave. “I think i’ll look around some more today. That is, if everyone is busy.” “They are busy… I think I hear-” Suddenly, Quartzfur walked in, “Mangledstar! Mangledstar! Come here! Hivestar, and all of the other clans need to talk!” She snapped her tail. Mangledstar walked over to her. He watched as the two other Clans walked over. “There’s something that we really need to discuss.” Flutterstar said, looking very concerned. Hivestar looked concerned too as she croaked, “We need to hold a truce, a gathering soon and today about these…. Storms… And mysterious vandalism in my clan…” She sighed, “Mangledstar, please say yes to this. We will all most likely help you get your clan safe again…”
26.01.2021 01:11
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Mangledstar hesitated, but then nodded. “I will agree to a truce. Whatever gets my clan to a safe place while our clan is flooded.” He padded over. “We should also talk with our Med-Cats and Deputies.” He called over Willowdusk and Nighttail. “Dang it!” Willowdusk muttered under her breath as she swiftly padded over. Nighttail followed and whispered to Willowdusk, “I hope this isn’t boring like every single other gathering…” Quartzfur sighed, “Are medicine cat apprentices allowed?” Flutterstar nodded. “Where shall we meet?” “I’d say in the same place as always. No point in moving to a different place where we don’t usually have gatherings.” Mangledstar said, padding to where they normally held gatherings. The others followed.
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26.01.2021 01:11
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In an hour, they were in the Meadowclan part of their forest. Flyfoot sat down on the large rock, and the leaders sat down in their spots on the big branches, including Qaurtzfur. Mosspaw a bit timidly just sat down on the ground. “Who would like to speak first?” Hivestar asked. “I’ll go.” Mangledstar said. “Fadedclan’s territory has flooded. We have stayed in one of Crystalclan’s caves, but we need a place where our queens and elders can have a safe place to stay.” “A few tunnels of Crystalclan have been flooded or shut down, but were good. Good enough to host Fadedclan until we can unflood their-houses.” Quartzfur said, “I’m currently in charge until my mother is found. Rubystar is missing.” Hivestar muffled a small gasp, she and Rubystar were both the same old age “Oh… My… I’m sorry for you… For you both Fadedclan and Quartzfur!” She looked at Mangledstar. “Is there any way my clan can help you?”
26.01.2021 01:12
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“The best thing would be to give my Clan a place to stay and help us rebuild our camp.” Mangledstar said, sitting down, with Willowdusk and Nighttail sitting down on either side of him.” “Hm.” Hivestar thought for a moment, “If for whatever reason Crystalclan doesn't work, you’ll always be welcome to have shelter in my clan.” She smiled, “I know Rubystar would’ve liked that.” She twitched her tail, “I’ll send 3 of my warriors and all of my apprentices to help decrease the flooding and help your clan.” Quartzfur nodded along, “And I’ll do the same.” “Thank you.” He said, nodding. “That would be very helpful. So what was this about ‘vandalism’ in your territory? I would like to hear more.” Willowdusk nodded. “Bones being tied up to our tree branches, rocks and sticks blocking streams, holes EVERYWHERE!” Hivestar twitched in an irked manner. “AND,” Stingfoot added, shifting his paws side to side, “They keep ruining bee hives somehow. We have to guard them now.”
26.01.2021 01:12
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“They might just be from the storm, but our flowers are being crushed and we’re finding rocks crushing butterflies and bees.” Flutterstar said. “We haven’t had anything like that,” Mangledstar said, twitching his tail tip. “But we have heard yowling late at night. We heard it just the other day.” “It was the most annoying thing to hear that when you’re trying to sleep.” Willowdusk added. “I at least didn’t hear it when I lived with my twolegs.” Stingfoot recoiled back, hissing lightly. It was no secret he had a heavy distaste for anyone who was even close to a kittypet- let alone, someone who was a kittypet. “What do you mean by twolegs?” He shuffled closer, “Were you kidnapped by them?” Flowertail began to sniff at Willowdusk, “How long have you been a warrior?” “No, I wasn’t kidnapped, and I’ve been a warrior for…… A few moons at least.” She scratched behind her ear like it was all normal. Mangledstar and Nighttail watched quietly.
26.01.2021 01:13
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“Mangledstar,” Quartzfur started, “No disrespect towards you, I’m sure Starclan gave you a good reason to make a newbie into a deputy but… Is it really wise to have someone who isn’t 100% used to clan life to have the opportunity to lead a clan?... Because well… Aren’t you starting to get a tad bit old?” Hivestar snorted, “Age has nothing to do with this, but I have to agree with Quartzfur.” Mangledstar folded his ears back and growled.
26.01.2021 01:42
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Chapter 3:
27.01.2021 04:08
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WOwie, long chapt
31.01.2021 09:36
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01.03.2021 21:33
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that is long
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