- create flipbook animations online!
20.10.2020 21:59
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alright. so. i go to a good school. the teacherz are so nice mostly exept for that one hella strict english teacher, but other than that everything iz chill, nice, and accepting. and it makez me rlly happy bc all the other schoolz ive been to were abusive in some way or another. however i noticed ive been getting in some sort of hot water with some of the teacherz bc the some of the kidz are SUCH SNOWFLAKEZ. and they legit report everything i say even if itz not bad in me, or my parentz' eyez. so one time i made a slideshow of the simpsonz and one part of it had the scene from the show where abe simpson waz cross dressing and i added text saying "im so hot" and then the next slide waz an angry simpsonz mob telling him he waznt hot and i got in trouble for that bc i sent it to my whole 7th grade class (i waz in 7th grade at the time) and someone got "offended" by cross dressing abraham simpson and they thought it waz "inappropiate" even though both me and my mom said it waznt bad. [part 1]
20.10.2020 22:05
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[part 2] then last night i sent a bunch of cursed michael jackson imagez to my teacherz and it waz just cursed michael jackson maskz and stuff like that and i thought it was funny. then today i sent more in reply to an email sent to the whole special ed class and the spec ed teacher told me to stop sending thoze picturez bc theyre "scary" and "disturbing". my parentz got a call from the school saying i waz sending "disturbing halloween picz" and "half dressed people" and my mom waz expecting to see some zombie hookerz or some shit ofc instead i showed her the photoz and it waz just michael jackson maskz and that image of patrick star with the fishnet stockingz with michael jacksonz face and it waz patrick star they thought waz "inppropiate" and"half dressed". like ok, but u do realize that original scene of that iz from the spongebob movie that probably my whole class haz seen. HELL, i even seen that movie when i waz 4, and my 5 y/0 brother seen it when he waz younger too. [part2]
20.10.2020 22:10
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and i understand that the outfit can be seen in a sexual manor but like,, it waz legit a drawing, based off of something in a movie,, for KIDZ. like get your mind out of the gutter, bro. like i understand fishnet stockingz could be sexul but like calm down, that waz a REAL scene in SPONGEBOB. if you search "goofy goober rock" youll see tonz of imagez of spongebob in the wizard costume and patrick with the fishnet stockingz. and ig the michael jackson thing COULD offend some people bc of what mj waz acuzed of, but like,, it waz an acuzation, that haz NEVER been proved true or false. itz not like therez 100% proof mj abuzed kidz. it waz just an acuzation that can neither be confirmed nor denied. and imo,, if there waz 100% proof he did do what he waz acuzed of then yeag, be offended, thatz ****ed up. but like itz never been proven. like even my mom, a grown ass, 32 year old woman, who waz a fan of mj when she waz a teen agreez with me on this one, HELL! she waz the one who brought this point up. [part 3]
20.10.2020 22:14
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i wouldve neverve been able to explain this in the way i did without my mom so like poggerz :3. but like why get all butthurt over a cursed michael jackson mask? it waznt even scary, it waz just weird and silly. like idrc what ppl choze to believe on the mj situation thingy but like i feel like my school kinda,, overreacted :/ but anyway. ramble over.
20.10.2020 22:14
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