Piece from one of my drabbles


13.06.2022 15:37
It’s Kai and Caspian uniting after their dispute a few years ago-

13.06.2022 15:40
Link-His gloved hand struck her across her face, and she let out a hiss of pain- tugging against the cast iron shackles. Caspian smiled a bit, “You know, it’s been a while, Miss LaRue-“ She looked away from him, panting hard, a small trail of blood trickling down her busted lip. He stepped forwards again, “And my- have you grown.. what a stunning young woman- too bad you’re a heartless b^tch.” He slammed the palm of his hand against her face again, causing her to yelp out. He smiled a bit wider, “Cry and I might take it a little easier on you darling.. I might even spare your life- keep you bound in my quarters for a while, sounds pleasant, eh?” He let out a hearty laugh and she lifted her head, spitting some of the blood from her lip onto his face. Caspian grinned, running his tongue across his own lip to where she had spat the blood, “Feisty, I like it.” She grimaced at the sight, screwing her head away from the man. Caspian stepped forwards, grabbing her jaw rather harshly, “Look at me when I’m talking to you!

13.06.2022 15:41
LinkBut yeah
Lots and lots of tension between these two