Dragon Flight
It just wants a hug
Zara dodges a fire blast
wo shi ta mere oui oui
another random question
Draw Your Soul
OC'S 25 - 28 / 38
10.10.2023 01:25
Linkomg i forgot i was gonna be in one!! yaay
10.10.2023 01:32
Linkyou arent gonna question anything wow lol
your welcome
Whoa, so unexpected!!
I guess gender roles aren't based on looks, I decided to give him long hair because I couldn't get mine cut at the beginning of quarantine, so I started to feel insecure. From that, I made Mack have long hair so I wouldn't feel bad about it that much, and it worked XD Lots of lore behind him, but.. thank you!! I appreciate this, what a surprise!! :O