Silhouette- Part Four


20.07.2021 16:22

20.07.2021 16:24
LinkThis one is going to leave on some big cliffhangers.

20.07.2021 16:24
LinkNo recap. Just read this if you want to know what is going on:

20.07.2021 16:25
20.07.2021 16:25
LinkSilhouette: Part Four

20.07.2021 16:30
LinkChapter 1: A knock at the door.
The wind was howling outside. A storm was passing by and it was eerie and quiet in the stone room where everyone was. The torchlight was dim, but illuminated maps and weapons with a glow of power.
"Blackfire." Infinite-FURY said these words in a familiar tone. The name filled everyone with dread.
"Uh-to be fair...I still don't know who he is." Cutieanimations put in, a tad bit nervous to speak up, but speaking the truth nonetheless.
"You don't want to know who he is." Legend put in. She opened her mouth to say something but shut it once again. No point in trying to cheer anyone up.
"If he comes to us, can know, kill him?" Fowwie asked. Infinite-FURY chuckled.
"Kill him? Fowwie, will all due respect, you cannot 'kill' Blackfire. He was forged from the pits of hell. He's not going back unless he's invading it to be the king of hell. I wouldn't even be surprised if he did that. He could." Infi said.

20.07.2021 16:35
LinkLegend chuckled. He could imagine Satan himself cowering before Blackfire.
"You talk like you know him. Do you?" Terra asked. Infi sighed like it was a long story, painful and horrible.
"Yes. I know him," Infinite said, looking down. "I was going to work for him."
Everyone was silent, waiting for more.
"W-work for him? What do you mean?" Asked Legend. He was terrified that, at any moment, Infi would now try to kill them.
"I was broken. Just a bio-engineer, using hellfire to survive. And I saw that I could become an assassin. Get back at the pain my enemies caused me. But, I read the terms. The Black Syndicate forces so much...suffering. Upon anyone. Children, mothers. Veterans. Innocent people. They just kill and kill and kill. They kill royals." Infi said. "The Black Syndicate is known for killing those of royal blood. And leaders. I was out instantly. Ever since then, Blackfire has held a bit of a grudge against me." Infi finished, saddened and angry.

20.07.2021 16:42
LinkCutieanimations seemed a little disturbed. Now she knew a bit of Blackfire. And she didn't want to know anymore.
"Wh-What is the 'Black Syndicate'?" Fowwie questioned.
"Blackfire isn't alone. All he wants is to be a king. A lord. So obviously he has his own clan. They basically worship him. They aren't as powerful as him, but they have trained for many years. So, they are incredibly powerful, to say the least." Infi explained.
"I can't believe that son of a bit ch would start his own cult." Legend said. Infi chuckled.
"Really though? The man is a big-headed narcissist. It's not surprising he'd be the leader of a cult, seeing as how he compares himself to multiple gods whom people worship." Infi had a point. Blackfire was pretty egotistical in many ways.
All of the sudden, a knock came at the door. Everyone froze with fear.

20.07.2021 16:47
LinkInfi reached for a weapon. He and Legend walked up to the door. In the small hall, they could hear each other's breathing. Scared. They were both terrified
They opened the door, and no one was there.
Then, all at once, at least 15 people leaped from different places. One dropped from a tree, another rolled out of a bush, another sat up in a patch of grass, another jumped out from behind a rock.
Infi and Legend swung their swords. The group just backed up and raised their hands.
"We are not enemies." Someone said. It was someone with a crown of leaves.
"I am Princecore, Prince of the Junglers." Princecore walked up and bowed politely.
"The Junglers? Do you mean that group of Jungle assassins, keeping thieves and murderers out? Huh. I suppose I should thank you." Infinite said.
Princecore stood there, waiting.
"Uh..." Infi was confused.
"Go on."
"What?" Infi asked.
"Thank me."
"Wh-ok...thank you??"
Princecore bowed once again and began to speak.

20.07.2021 16:56
Link"We saw a group of masked people enter the forest-"
"Ok, it's in the middle of a harsh rain, maybe you should step inside." Legend interrupted. Princecore looked up at the rainy sky.
"Harsh? Son, I've seen much worse rainfalls." Princecore said.
"Ok then. Go on."
"Yes, of course: we searched for them for a while, and found footprints leading here. I thought I should warn you, Infi. Us Junglers saw you bring a group inside here the other day. We think the raiders are after you."
Blackfire nervously glanced at Legend, whose eyes were wide.
"The Black Syndicate."
As if on queue, a wide array of warriors clad in midnight armor sprang from the shadows of the jungle, and started clashing swords with the Junglers.
They all fought, and while doing so Legend ran inside to get the others.
They all reached for weapons and ran out. Gaf held a yoyo.
"RUN, LEGEND! LEAVE, NOW!" Infi yelled to Legend. It was no use having the cheese in the trap if the mouse knows how to get past it.

20.07.2021 16:59
LinkLegend sprinted through the soaking forest as rain poured on his face. Thunder crackled and boomed in the sky and a harsh wind blew.
A tree cracked and fell over. Legend slid underneath it before it hit the ground, and jumped up, grabbing onto a vine. He looked down and saw a massive ravine underneath him. If he fell, it'd be a 40-foot drop to death or icy cold spiky rock-filled water.
Legend gulped.
The wind pushed and pushed, and the vine on which he hung started to stretch more and more.
Then, thunder boomed once again. And everything seemingly went darker in the forest.
Legend saw a flash of blinding light speed by.
Then, he looked down into the ravine. He could see nothing because of the dark storm clouds.
Then, lightning sprayed the sky, and Legend saw Blackfire in the ravine pit, staring up at Legend with a smile of genuine pride on his face.

20.07.2021 17:04
LinkAll at once, Legend was attacked. He felt the blinding sense of fear overcome him as memories of pain and horror-filled him. He lost his grip on the vine and fell. And fell, and fell.
All of the sudden a 'zip' could be heard, and Legend was caught by something. He looked down and as he was being pulled up, he saw himself wrapped in a-
He looked up and saw Gafrield pulled Legend out of the ravine.
But when Legend looked at the ravine once more, thunder cracked and lightning blinded the water, but Blackfire was no longer there.
Legend looked up and saw Blackfire standing behind Gafrield.
Gafrield pulled and pulled, and Legend tried to scream at Gafrield to tell him what was behind him. But Legend couldn't speak.
The wind howled and the rain poured, and Legend watched as Blackfire took out his sword.
If Gafrield didn't finish pulling Legend up soon, then Gafrield would be killed.
Legend held his sword up, mustering the last bit of energy, and sliced the yoyo. It didn't break. It was incredibly st

20.07.2021 17:09
Blackfire looked at Legend, smiling, as he held the sword. Then, he started to laugh. Gafrield didn't hear, but Legend did.
It was all in Legend's mind. The laughter.
"I'm done letting you torture me in my mind." Legend said. Legend grabbed onto the yoyo with one hand, and lunged himself further, tugging at the string. Gaf nearly lost control, but Legend was already on the ground and fine. The yoyo unleashed itself from Legend and twirled back up the body of the Yoyo. Gafrield stared in astonishment upon seeing Blackfire.
Legend stared at Blackfire. The wind was roaring and the rain was pouring. The trees of the forest darkened everything. Thunder cried and lightning flickered. Blackfire's glowing eyes stared down Legend.
Then, they fought.

20.07.2021 17:12
20.07.2021 17:13
Linkwhat the h e l l
why is explaining seeing someone behind someone else so hard? Literally spent like 10 minutes trying to describe where Blackfire was.
ok time for the progungus and Green Army thingy. that'll be fun.

20.07.2021 17:13
20.07.2021 17:19
LinkChapter 2: The Green Army.
"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. A little-what should we say-king? Nah, you're a peasant. A little peasant lying on the sand, covered in blood. Couldn't kill a -" The king of the Green Army was interrupted by the Golden King:
"Shut the fu ck up you whiny little brat." Promagma stood up from the ground. It was night, now. The sun was finally set, and the Green Army had arrived. The moon began to show its icy peak.
"Don't talk to a king like that!" The king shouted.
"Shut up, Traitor. You're a steward." A raspy voice said.
"Pay him no heed, babe." Another person said, next to the raspy voice.
The 'traitor' king guy was angry.
"I am KingTraitor, steward of the Green Kingdom, General of the Green Army. Our lord, Freddyrileysex, is on a vacation at the moment."
"He's logged off, dumbass. Just say that instead." The raspy voice guy said.
"And this," KingTraitor said, pointing at the raspy-voiced man. "Is Random1204. He's a bit moody, but he can be fun."

20.07.2021 17:22
LinkRandom did a peace sign. Promagma was still glaring at the Steward.
Maria walked up, her arms crossed.
"If I know anything, Stewards are bad!" Maria said, angry.
"And where did you hear that?" Kingtraitor asked.
"In the lord of the rings, the steward of Gondor kills himself by burning himself. He tried to kill his son, too. He wanted to die with his son-"
Maria stopped talking, glancing at Promagma who was looking down. Just a few minutes ago, Promagma didn't want to live without his son. Maybe talking about suicide and the death of sons was not a great idea.
"Oh shut up," Kingtraitor said. "I don't want your nonsense trivia."

20.07.2021 17:26
Link"Why are you here?" Promagma asked, angry. Kingtraitor hopped off the pyre, and all of them holding it up gasped, glad the weight was off. They set the pyre down and took some drinks.
"Because," KingTraitor said, walking around in the sand. "I saw a large battle going on. And I saw you in the midst of it all, fighting. Pretty hilarious: The King of Gold can't keep his own son alive. Not against 1 man."
Promagma unsheathed his sword and stepped towards KingTraitor, ready to stab him in his face.
"Black Dhalia Nighteye did not deserve death. You do." Promagma said, his voice hurt and broken.
"'Black Dhalia'? I see you abide by the laws of the Silver Kingdom. Referring to people as their Flower name."
Promagma bowed his head to the distant kingdom.
"Gladiolus Glitternation is dead, and I pay my respects by following their laws within a 500-mile radius. If you had any respect you would do the same." Promagma shot back.

20.07.2021 17:32
LinkKingTraitor stopped walking and stared down at Promagma, honest shock in his eyes for a moment.
"Wh-No. You're lying." Kingtraitor smiled slyly and kept walking. Promagma spat blood on the ground and glared. He wasn't going to argue with KingTraitor. Maria was, however, destroyed upon hearing this.
"She-she's dead?" Maria asked.
"I forget you didn't know. Yes, Gladiolus Glitternation is deceased. How she died is unknown." Promagma felt honestly terrible for Maria, who had no idea.
"I suppose we all lose someone someday," Maria said, her head bowed, saying a silent prayer for her ruler. "It's unavoidable."
KingTraitor laughed.
"Gladiolus must be truly dead then!" He said.
"A dead ruler, a dirty ruler...Now I appear to be the only true king in FlipAnim. Not even the emperor FlipAnim himself is doing anything, besides throwing out a couple of stars to light up the night.

20.07.2021 17:38
Link"Well, I must be off. You guys can finish whatever business you are up to. Hopefully, you don't resort to living in mud." Kingtraitor said. And with that, he and the rest of the Green Army walked off into the night, leaving the massive desert.
Promagma knelt down and breathed heavily.
"We need to get help." He said.
"I know. But we can do this on our own!" Maria encouraged him.
"No. We need to get help from the...the Silver Kingdom. We have to go back." Promagma said.
And with that, they headed to the Silver Kingdom. Hopefully Marigold Shaded wouldn't be angry about the whole 'killing 2 guards and slicing her arm' thing.

20.07.2021 17:40
20.07.2021 17:41
LinkI am going to die help-
uh if anyone is disappointed with the lack of newer characters, don't worry you will all show up eventually, I promise.
aaauhuhgh time to go back to writing a big fight scene </3 hopefully that'll give me enough time to slow down my brain. Dialogue isn't that interesting anymore. So, fight scene I guess.

20.07.2021 17:42
20.07.2021 17:49
LinkChapter 3: War in the Woods
Blackfire and Legend had spent at least 20 minutes fighting, and neither of them was ready to give up.
Gafrield had run off to warn the others, and now Infi had come.
"Blackfire!" Infinite-FURY roared, and his voice echoed through the dark woods. Rain poured and thunder rumbled.
Blackfire turned to Infi and lunged at him.
The swords clashed and swung, both of them incredibly skilled at fighting.
Meanwhile, the rest of them all fought the Black Syndicate. Things weren't going too well.
"I'm one hell of a bio-tech engineer wanna-be-assassin! I'm warning you!" Infi yelled. He jumped up, grabbed onto a tree branch, and kicked Blackfire in the face.
Blackfire floated upwards and kicked Infi down.
"You are nothing," Blackfire said.
"Same as you!" Infi hopped up, swinging his sword here and there. Blackfire and Infi battled like never before, but alas, thunder struck and so did Blackfire. He pinned Infi against a tree, both of their swords clattering on the ground.

20.07.2021 17:57
LinkBlackfire began to choke Infi. Infi gave up struggling and just smiled. Blackfire was confused, and his group loosened.
"The Art of War by Sun Tzu does not tell of physical fighting, but rather mental. You are losing your grip. On your mind. You are nothing. Not a lord, not an emperor. Not a conqueror. Nothing." Infi said. Blackfire faltered and then began to choke Infi more.
"Nothing." Infi said at last, and Blackfire began to go mad. He choked and choked and choked until Infi went limp.
Blackfire stared at Infi's dead body and laughed.
"I am something." He said. He faced the others, and Legend stopped fighting. They faced each other for a second, and both of them charged.
And it all happened in flashes. Blackfire versus Legend.
The rain poured, and the fighting started. All that could be heard was yelling and clashing swords and metal grinding. Black flames sprouted from the ground, and the entire group nearly forgot about the fight, watching what was going on.

20.07.2021 17:57
20.07.2021 17:58
*mental screaming noises*

20.07.2021 17:58
Linkwhat da mental health doin?

20.07.2021 17:59
20.07.2021 18:03
LinkPromagma was in the throne room once again, Maria at his side. No longer Nighteye, though.
"Where is your bastard son?" Marigold Shaded asked.
"He died," Promagma said, unsheathing his sword. Marigold Shaded brought out her ax, and held it, ready to fight.
But Promagma set his sword down and knelt.
"I apologize for all the pain I have caused. But, listen, the new ruler of the Silver Kingdom...I need your help. Everyone does."
Marigold ShadedEch0s laughed.
"Yeah. Just slice my other arm and I'll be perfectly fine with joining you in battle." She sarcastically said, glaring at him.
"Why? Why won't you do this for the sake of FA?" Promagma asked.
"I will never aid you. Never. No matter what." Marigold said. Promagma picked up his sword.
"Let's go, Maria."
Maria looked at the monarch and looked down. And then they walked out of the throneroom.
But upon seeing outside, Promagma gasped.
A massive black warship, and an entire fleet of other warships, was heading his way. The Black Navy had come.

20.07.2021 18:04
20.07.2021 18:04
Linklast scene FINALLY

20.07.2021 18:04
20.07.2021 18:07
LinkLegend was on the ground, Blackfire above him, his massive sword pointed to Legend's head.
Blackfire's eyes glowed with fury.
"I see you fixed your face." Blackfire chuckled maniacally and raised his sword.
"Let's finish this." Legend said.
Then, Legend rolled and knocked over Blackfire. They both clashed swords in the rain, as thunder rumbled.
Legend swung his sword and it hit Blackfire's, but Blackfire used a special technique and knocked the sword out of Legend's hand.
Blackfire raised his hand, and struck Legend so hard, Legend fell over and didn't get back up.
Black fire stabbed his sword into the air, and a portal opened where he was. He picked up Legend and stared at the carnage. The storm was passing and the sun was rising. The Black Syndicat was losing, but Blackfire had won.
Iconfan saw Blackfire first. He rushed after him, yelling 'no' and trying to stop him, but it was too late:
Blackfire hopped into the portal, and it closed.

20.07.2021 18:12
LinkThey all stood there, panting and breathing. The last of the Black Syndicat was killed.
Cutieanimations spoke first:
"Guys...We lost." She said.
They all stayed silent. Iconfan knelt on the ground and crawled over to Infinite-Fury, who was barely alive at this point. He managed to survive on his last shred of Bio-breathing, a little chip he stored in himself, in his throat. It didn't work too well, because Blackfire cracked it.
"No, no-no-no. Don't die, man. Don't die!" Iconfan cradled Infinite-FURY in his arms, tears dripping from his eyes.
Gafrield ran over to Infi, his old master.
"Infinite. It's alright. You did well. You can rest." Gafrield said, despite all the pain and anger that broke inside him and flooded his senses.
Infinite couldn't speak, but a smile appeared on his deathly pale face. Infinite closed his eyes and went limp completely.
And that was the last of him.
Icon roared with tears and cried into Gafrield.

20.07.2021 18:16
LinkAll of them stood there. The sun was rising over the horizon of trees. Water dripped from the bushes, and the ground was muddy.
Their faces were pale and covered in dirt.
No one wanted to talk.
But alas, Terra spoke.
"We need to find Legend."
Fowwie broke in, broken worse than most of them. She was closest to Legend personally, seeing as to how she was his therapist.
"Yes, we do. But we can't. Wherever Blackfire went, it wasn't earth. It-I doesn't know where it was, but it isn't anywhere in our physical world."
"I saw into the portal. It was the deadlands. I've studied them before. Blackfire- he-he-"
They all stood silent for a moment.
"Blackfire took Legend into the dead lands."

20.07.2021 18:16
20.07.2021 18:17
LinkAnd the credits roll!!
Holy SHIT this is the longest I've ever written. Gotta be honest, I had no idea this would actually go anywhere.
Uh, might take a while before I actually write Part 5, seeing as to how that's the last part of the series.
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